Display local dashboard on Roku

I’ve been looking for a way to display the local Hubitat dashboard on a Roku tv device.

Has anyone tried this?

I was considering building my own Roku app that can be privately added through their developer portal but it got beyond my abilities.

I figured a simple, full screen web browser for the local dashboard IP address would do the trick but I’m not sure how to do that.

It seems no one has made a web browser Roku app yet so I’m guessing they may not allow web browsers. I figured we could make either a single page dashboard display that wouldn’t be considered a browser or there’s an option to add your own private app by uploading a package file for development purposes.

Here’s a possibly helpful service and documentation:

Anyone interested in giving it a try?

Keep us updated, I haven’t seen a way to do it. Planning on using rpi for a Sonos dashboard and magicmirror.

Sounds interesting but only have one Roku TV. I will say that on the Xbox I created a normal shortcut to the dashboard and it works. Don't use it often but that is also an option.