As, I'm sure, many other people, I still have quite a few non-smart dimmer switches with motion sensors, specifically, in bathrooms and hallways.
They work great, but it's either too bright at night or too dark during the day, so I want to control the default brightness level from the hub. That's pretty much the only thing I would like to change outside of the typical motion-sensing switch functionality.
My understanding is that Jasco/Enbrighten 26933 fits the bill perfectly -- except for the price ($64, as it stands today), and it's not exactly award-winning design when WAF also needs to be considered.
Are there any other options? I would like to avoid having a separate motion sensor, as placement can be tricky at times, plus, I want to minimize the delay as much as possible.
Would Kasa ES20M work? It looks decent, and price-wise it's a wash between ES20M and a "tried and true" combo of UltraPro 39351 and Sonoff SNZB-03.
There's also Commercial Electric HPDA311CWB which is WiFi and priced very attractively ($20), but there's virtually no information about it, sadly.
Looking for suggestions/ideas!