Dimmer vs Switch Actions for a Zooz dimmer

Been building out my system and noticed some erratic behaviour related to turning on dimmer switches as an action in a rule. Using Zooz Zen77 (dimmer) and Zooz Zen32 (scene controller) devices.

I had a rule that the action was turn on dimmer A to 100% and then dimmer B to 100%. I found through experiment sometimes only one device turned on when the rule was run. It had a randomness to it so I was exploring ZWave issues and RF Link concerns. I had great signal and single hop back to Hubitat so I doubted that was the problem. I was about to re-pair the devices with S2 encryption (I followed Hubitat's recommendation to not turn on security when I originally paired the devices).

Dim: Kitchen Island: 100
Dim: Kitchen Ceiling: 100

Then I changed the rule to turn on switch dimmer A and dimmer B, Then I followed it with the action dim

On: Kitchen Ceiling, Kitchen Island
Dim: Kitchen Island: 100
Dim: Kitchen Ceiling: 100

Now the rules seem to run perfectly. I haven't been able to get it only turn on one of the lights and not the other which regularly happened before.

So while I am happy my problem is fixed I'd like to understand why. Is it possible you shouldn't issue a Dim: set_level without knowing the current state of the switch? Is dim:0 the same as switch:off? I had assumed switch:on just returns to prior dim set level. Something subtle here but I am not seeing it. Is switch:on the same as a single tap on the upper switch paddle? Is switch:off the same as a single tap to the lower switch paddle? Is dim:100 the same as a double tap on the upper switch paddle? Just wondering if there are subtle differences here.

Any help appreciated.

With most drivers, no. A "Set Level" would also turn it on if off. The big exception (besides a possible device or driver problem) is if you have any "level prestaging" options on the driver that are enabled. This is not common.

Normally yes, though it's a bit of an odd case and some devices or drivers might do odd things in response. I'd use "Off" if that's what hi really want just to be sure.

Some devices have options you can use to change this, but this is also normal behavior.

Both sets of these can be different in that one works via Z-Wave from the hub while the other is an on-device feature (and the double-tap thing in particular a device-specific feature, not anything standard). But the outcome might be the same, or supposed to be.

If none of this explains what you're seeing, it might be helpful tonshare what driver you're using and any options you may have configured on the device (e.g., device detail page preferences).

This is the driver I am using. It is quite nicely tailored to the ZEN77. The author (jtp10181) made a tweak at my request (hence 2.0.3) that fixed a dashboard issue I was having.



[2.0.3] - 2024-04-XX (@jtp10181)

  • Added singleThreaded flag
  • Added option to set level to 0 when turned off
  • Updated Library and common code

With my driver both On and SetLevel send switch multilevel commands. The only difference is that "On" sends the value 0xFF (255) which is a special value telling it to turn on to its default/last level (depending on firmware config). Using setLevel(100) obviously will send that value instead of 0xFF.

So, you should not need to turn it on before the level. I am guessing just sending the device two commands is getting it to pay attention. Happens sometimes with z-wave if you dont have a strong mesh. If I get the supervision support built out better that might take care of it.

I am not thinking it is zWave signal related. The Hub is 6'-8' from the switches in question, path stats are good, its a C8 Pro with external antenna, and I don't see similar rogue behavior with other rules that run on those same switches. I think it is a logic flaw somewhere such that the command to turn on gets dropped for one of the devices being controlled.

I am just surprised Hubitat doesn't have a more robust retry scheme such that it end to end confirmation of actions occur. Or at a minimum a flag/indicator to say the action failed.

My work around doesn't cost me anything so I'll just leave it in for now.

Your advanced drivers for all the Zooz products are terrific!

It is left up to the drivers and it is more complicated than you would think. Especially when you possibly have multiple command queued up. I have been kicking around some better ideas in my head. You can turn on the Supervision option in the driver to try out what I have in there, to see if that helps at all. Its not great but it makes an effort.

Just an update on this subject. I was working this with the Zooz support people but they seem to think the ZEN77 isn't the issue. I am less sure. I get the usual RF is voodoo type of blanket response, we've got a zillion installed and they all work, must be your issue..... While I am new to Hubitat, I am 10+ years with Vera and never saw this sort of thing there.

Here is what I know. Sometimes a ZEN77 fails to act on the first command to it when it has been idle (and off) for a few hours. My work around was to tickle it with two commands back to back and that seemed to work better but adds clutter to rules and seems a kludge of a fix.

The ZEN77 in today's rogue behavior is about 8' away from the Hubitat hub. It is colocated in a 4 gang box with two other ZEN77s. As noted signal is strong and it is organized as a direct RF hop from the hub (01 is the Hub). The devices where I most often see this problem are where there are multiple Zooz devices beside each other in a multi-gang box. I wondered if there was some sort of RF contamination between the devices (known as RF desensitization) but Zooz quickly dismissed that.

  • These are the device specs for the ZEN77 which didn't turn on first try today:
  • 0x002a (42)
  • PER: 0, RTT Avg: 2ms, LWR RSSI: 39dB
  • Neighbors: 21, Route Changes: 8
  • 01 -> 2A 100kbps

I am using the driver named below.

So what is different about this instance is that it was a manual activation of the Zen77 as opposed to a rule action. In the picture below (left side) the slider was moved to the right but the light never turned on nor did the icon turn green as it should have. When I turn all three off with my all off rule then try it action (manually one switch at a time) all three turn on finr (right side of screen).

Zooz said to try the basic Hubitat driver but I haven''t done that yet. The basic driver lacks many features of the jtp10181 driver.

Since this is random its not that easy to diagnose. Its quite annoying though. I remain puzzled why there is no confirmation handshaking to ensure the request for action is faithfully confirmed by the end node being acted upon. That seems a basic functionality requirement. User Apps shouldn't have to police if lower level commands are executed. I had thought the problem was related to how the rule sent out the actions, but this was a manual actuation of the switch so seems to disprove that hypothesis.

Any ideas?

 *  Zooz ZEN Dimmers Universal
 *    - Model: ZEN22, ZEN24 - MINIMUM FIRMWARE 3.07
 *    - Model: ZEN27 - MINIMUM FIRMWARE 2.08
 *    - Model: ZEN72, ZEN74, ZEN77 - All Firmware
 *  For Support, Information, and Updates:
 *  https://community.hubitat.com/t/zooz-zen-switches/58649
 *  https://github.com/jtp10181/Hubitat/tree/main/Drivers/zooz
## [2.0.3] - 2024-04-XX (@jtp10181)
  - Added singleThreaded flag
  - Added option to set level to 0 when turned off
  - Updated Library and common code

Did you ever try enabling the supervision option in the driver as I suggested?

Not yet. I was willing to live with the issue by double turning on devices in my rules. That seemed to work.

Just recently I noticed the problem occurred when I turn on a single device manually via the dashboard. I wasn't thinking that was a problem before and as such this has bubbled this up again.

I think I will try to do a control group and two experiment groups. I have enough devices in my network to make this useful (15 dimmers, and 12 on/off switches). I'll leave 1/3 with your driver unchanged, 1/3 with your driver with supervision enabled, and 1/3 with the native Hubitat (less capable) driver. Perhaps that will show something.

I much prefer your driver to the native Hubitat one as I use several of the parameter options which aren't exposed in the native driver (although I suppose I could cryptically set the parameters with parameters and hex codes).

What exactly does supervision do? Any side effects I should expect (delays, more verbose logging, ...)?

p.s. Zooz also suggested I repair some of the devices as LR so they skip the mesh network and go hub and spoke. That seems a lot of work and I see in other threads LR still has some teething pains a-la backups and such. What say you?

I'll defer to Jeff on any yay/nay reccomandation for LR, but if you decide to give it a whirl, make sure those devices have latest firmware updated first.

One issue with LR currently is that there's no way to do (device) firmware updates.

That's a minor issue compared to some of these other ones currently, but it's still a consideration.

I have numerous devices paired LR, and my experience has been very good so far... Knock on wood, I haven't had a need to mess around with cloud backups, so I have no idea if that bug would bite me too or not. I'm just really hoping it gets sorted out sooner vs later in case I do need a cloud backup.

Crap, I probably just jinxed myself.

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It wraps the message to the device with a header that tells the device it is a supervised message. When the device gets that it is required to respond back with the same sequence number and a code indicating if the action was taken. So if no response comes back then you can code the driver to send a retry. If you turn on debug logging you will see additional logs and also logs if there are retries. My implementation is pretty basic based on some code the devs shared a while back. Might be worth exploring again especially if it does help in your case, which is sounds like it should.

A lot of the system drivers have had this added but it is not documented anywhere and just on by default (but only if device is paired with security). So it could possibly be enabled on the built in Zooz drivers but you cannot tell unless you start seeing warn logs saying it is retrying.

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I was doing some testing of my all on and all off rules and noticed sometimes a device here are there did not turn on or turn off when the rules was run. The rule All On simply turns on every ZWave device one by one and the All Off turns them off one by one. They are both triggered by virtual switches named the same as the rule. Simple.

I had a case where the All On failed to turn on the porch light. 03:45:01.003 So I waited a bit just to see if it was a lagging rule. The porch light didn't light up. So then I ran the all on rule again (03:45:23.506) still didn't work. Again it failed at 03:46:45.915. Finally at 03:47:06.471 another run and it worked.

So my question is who is populating the log? The hubitat system or the driver? Is a log entry to note a round trip confirmation (action completed) of the event occurring successfully or merely a command dropping in a queue to later execute (action requested)? The point being if it is just the command being queued up then it would suggest the rule engine isn't faithfully sending the rule actions reliably. If it is a confirmation of the action being successfully executed with round trip confirmation it could mean the device, RF path or driver is at fault.

Well you cut off the part of the log that says what created the log, so...

Usually for a device to log that it is "on" that means the device itself replied back to the hub saying it is on. If the log comes from anything else it is possibly just letting you know it is sending the on command.

On the left side of each log entry, the hyperlinked number identifies what generated that entry (app, driver, or hub)

OK in my effort to make the log more readable I didn't include enough of the log.

Here is more data with some highlighting to indicate the main events. OK I guess not I can't upload a pdf. That's very 1990s.

OK I'll just paste the PDF file and lose some of my spreadsheet formatting. More difficult to read.

I don't understand the dev:2 vs DNI 07 number scheme but oh well.

Misc Info
Hubitat I known as DNI 01
Porch is DNI 07
Porch is a Zooz ZEN32 device H/W Ver 2, firmware version 2.30
All Zwave devices were paired without security per Hubitat recommendation (except for deadbolt)
Uses the Zooz Zen32 Scene Controller Driver
Log Data Comments
2024-06-16 03:47:09.251 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital]
dev:152024-06-16 03:47:09.006 PMdebugPool Floods: switch is turned on (digital) [NOT CHANGED]
dev:132024-06-16 03:47:09.003 PMinfoMBR Sconces was turned on
dev:132024-06-16 03:47:09.001 PMdebugparse:zw device: 12, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:122024-06-16 03:47:08.969 PMinfoPool Lights was turned on
dev:122024-06-16 03:47:08.967 PMdebugparse:zw device: 11, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:82024-06-16 03:47:08.936 PMinfoGarage Ceiling was turned on
dev:82024-06-16 03:47:08.934 PMdebugparse:zw device: 0D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:1742024-06-16 03:47:08.925 PMinfoMBR Hallway was turned on
dev:1742024-06-16 03:47:08.923 PMdebugparse:zw device: 2D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:32024-06-16 03:47:08.902 PMinfoGarage Coach Lights was turned on
dev:32024-06-16 03:47:08.874 PMdebugparse:zw device: 08, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:22024-06-16 03:47:08.840 PMinfoPorch was turned on Finally Porch Light is turned on
dev:2522024-06-16 03:47:08.486 PMinfoAll On was turned off
dev:552024-06-16 03:47:06.711 PMdebugon()
dev:542024-06-16 03:47:06.700 PMdebugon()
dev:152024-06-16 03:47:06.685 PMdebugPool Floods: on...
dev:1742024-06-16 03:47:06.676 PMdebugon()
dev:132024-06-16 03:47:06.670 PMdebugon()
dev:122024-06-16 03:47:06.664 PMdebugon()
dev:82024-06-16 03:47:06.657 PMdebugon()
dev:32024-06-16 03:47:06.651 PMdebugon()
dev:2522024-06-16 03:47:06.471 PMinfoAll On was turned on Try another All On manually involked
dev:152024-06-16 03:46:59.462 PMdebugPool Floods: switch is turned on (digital) [NOT CHANGED] All On completes but no turn on of porch light
dev:1742024-06-16 03:46:59.271 PMinfoMBR Hallway was turned on
dev:1742024-06-16 03:46:59.269 PMdebugparse:zw device: 2D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:82024-06-16 03:46:53.616 PMinfoGarage Ceiling was turned on
dev:82024-06-16 03:46:53.614 PMdebugparse:zw device: 0D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:132024-06-16 03:46:53.139 PMinfoMBR Sconces was turned on
dev:132024-06-16 03:46:53.138 PMdebugparse:zw device: 12, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:122024-06-16 03:46:53.061 PMinfoPool Lights was turned on
dev:122024-06-16 03:46:53.059 PMdebugparse:zw device: 11, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:622024-06-16 03:46:52.595 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital]
dev:82024-06-16 03:46:52.533 PMinfoGarage Ceiling was turned on
dev:82024-06-16 03:46:52.531 PMdebugparse:zw device: 0D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:1742024-06-16 03:46:52.447 PMinfoMBR Hallway was turned on
dev:1742024-06-16 03:46:52.446 PMdebugparse:zw device: 2D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:152024-06-16 03:46:52.431 PMdebugPool Floods: switch is turned on (digital) [NOT CHANGED]
dev:32024-06-16 03:46:52.348 PMinfoGarage Coach Lights was turned on
dev:32024-06-16 03:46:52.346 PMdebugparse:zw device: 08, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:82024-06-16 03:46:51.754 PMinfoGarage Ceiling was turned on
dev:82024-06-16 03:46:51.752 PMdebugparse:zw device: 0D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:152024-06-16 03:46:51.109 PMdebugPool Floods: switch is turned on (digital) [NOT CHANGED]
dev:1742024-06-16 03:46:51.013 PMinfoMBR Hallway was turned on
dev:1742024-06-16 03:46:51.011 PMdebugparse:zw device: 2D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:2522024-06-16 03:46:47.931 PMinfoAll On was turned off
dev:552024-06-16 03:46:46.155 PMdebugon()
dev:542024-06-16 03:46:46.144 PMdebugon()
dev:152024-06-16 03:46:46.131 PMdebugPool Floods: on...
dev:1742024-06-16 03:46:46.122 PMdebugon()
dev:132024-06-16 03:46:46.116 PMdebugon()
dev:122024-06-16 03:46:46.109 PMdebugon()
dev:82024-06-16 03:46:46.103 PMdebugon()
dev:32024-06-16 03:46:46.096 PMdebugon()
dev:2522024-06-16 03:46:45.915 PMinfoAll On was turned on Try another All On manually involked
dev:622024-06-16 03:46:26.367 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital] All On completes but no turn on of porch light
dev:2522024-06-16 03:46:25.522 PMinfoAll On was turned off
dev:552024-06-16 03:46:23.773 PMdebugon()
dev:542024-06-16 03:46:23.762 PMdebugon()
dev:152024-06-16 03:46:23.749 PMdebugPool Floods: on...
dev:1742024-06-16 03:46:23.741 PMdebugon()
dev:132024-06-16 03:46:23.735 PMdebugon()
dev:122024-06-16 03:46:23.728 PMdebugon()
dev:82024-06-16 03:46:23.722 PMdebugon()
dev:32024-06-16 03:46:23.715 PMdebugon()
dev:2522024-06-16 03:46:23.506 PMinfoAll On was turned on Try another All On manually involked
dev:622024-06-16 03:45:05.970 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital] All On completes but no turn on of porch light
dev:622024-06-16 03:45:05.857 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital]
dev:32024-06-16 03:45:05.509 PMinfoGarage Coach Lights was turned on
dev:32024-06-16 03:45:05.507 PMdebugparse:zw device: 08, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:552024-06-16 03:45:05.157 PMinfoMBath Vanity Clg: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:142024-06-16 03:45:04.837 PMinfoFireplace Ceiling: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:142024-06-16 03:45:04.834 PMinfoFireplace Ceiling: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:12024-06-16 03:45:04.681 PMinfoBack Hallway was turned on
dev:32024-06-16 03:45:04.258 PMinfoGarage Coach Lights was turned on
dev:32024-06-16 03:45:04.256 PMdebugparse:zw device: 08, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:112024-06-16 03:45:04.080 PMinfoLanai Cans: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:112024-06-16 03:45:04.078 PMinfoLanai Cans: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:602024-06-16 03:45:03.969 PMinfoOffice Cans: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:602024-06-16 03:45:03.966 PMinfoOffice Cans: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:612024-06-16 03:45:03.866 PMinfoWalkway: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:612024-06-16 03:45:03.862 PMinfoWalkway: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:172024-06-16 03:45:03.800 PMinfoDR Wall Sconces: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:172024-06-16 03:45:03.797 PMinfoDR Wall Sconces: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:582024-06-16 03:45:03.776 PMinfoBox Lights Main: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:582024-06-16 03:45:03.773 PMinfoBox Lights Main: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:182024-06-16 03:45:03.752 PMinfoDR Chandelier: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:182024-06-16 03:45:03.750 PMinfoDR Chandelier: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:192024-06-16 03:45:03.748 PMinfoDR Nook: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:192024-06-16 03:45:03.742 PMinfoDR Nook: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:162024-06-16 03:45:03.718 PMinfoMBR Cans: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:162024-06-16 03:45:03.716 PMinfoMBR Cans: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:82024-06-16 03:45:03.648 PMinfoGarage Ceiling was turned on
dev:82024-06-16 03:45:03.646 PMdebugparse:zw device: 0D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:42024-06-16 03:45:03.587 PMinfoFoyer: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:42024-06-16 03:45:03.584 PMinfoFoyer: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:62024-06-16 03:45:03.578 PMinfoKitchen Ceiling: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:62024-06-16 03:45:03.575 PMinfoKitchen Ceiling: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:92024-06-16 03:45:03.551 PMinfoBonus Ceiling: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:92024-06-16 03:45:03.548 PMinfoBonus Ceiling: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:102024-06-16 03:45:03.533 PMinfoKitchen Eating Area: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:102024-06-16 03:45:03.530 PMinfoKitchen Eating Area: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:32024-06-16 03:45:03.513 PMinfoGarage Coach Lights was turned on
dev:32024-06-16 03:45:03.511 PMdebugparse:zw device: 08, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:72024-06-16 03:45:03.487 PMinfoKitchen Island: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:72024-06-16 03:45:03.484 PMinfoKitchen Island: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:52024-06-16 03:45:03.404 PMinfoLaundry Hall: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:52024-06-16 03:45:03.401 PMinfoLaundry Hall: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:542024-06-16 03:45:03.283 PMinfoMBath Walls: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:622024-06-16 03:45:03.131 PMinfoFR Table Lamps was turned on [digital]
dev:2522024-06-16 03:45:03.046 PMinfoAll On was turned off
dev:32024-06-16 03:45:02.992 PMinfoGarage Coach Lights was turned on
dev:32024-06-16 03:45:02.990 PMdebugparse:zw device: 08, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:82024-06-16 03:45:02.337 PMdebugon()
dev:1742024-06-16 03:45:02.317 PMinfoMBR Hallway was turned on
dev:1742024-06-16 03:45:02.315 PMdebugparse:zw device: 2D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:152024-06-16 03:45:02.305 PMinfoPool Floods: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:82024-06-16 03:45:02.229 PMinfoGarage Ceiling was turned on
dev:82024-06-16 03:45:02.227 PMdebugparse:zw device: 0D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:132024-06-16 03:45:02.186 PMinfoMBR Sconces was turned on
dev:132024-06-16 03:45:02.184 PMdebugparse:zw device: 12, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:122024-06-16 03:45:02.145 PMinfoPool Lights was turned on
dev:122024-06-16 03:45:02.143 PMdebugparse:zw device: 11, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:522024-06-16 03:45:01.976 PMinfoMBR Table Lamps was turned on
dev:2562024-06-16 03:45:01.641 PMinfoUnder Cabinet was turned on
dev:552024-06-16 03:45:01.291 PMdebugon()
dev:542024-06-16 03:45:01.279 PMdebugon()
dev:152024-06-16 03:45:01.265 PMdebugPool Floods: on...
dev:1742024-06-16 03:45:01.256 PMdebugon()
dev:132024-06-16 03:45:01.249 PMdebugon()
dev:122024-06-16 03:45:01.243 PMdebugon()
dev:82024-06-16 03:45:01.236 PMdebugon()
dev:32024-06-16 03:45:01.229 PMdebugon()
dev:2522024-06-16 03:45:01.033 PMinfoAll On was turned on All On Initiated
dev:32024-06-16 03:44:51.089 PMinfoGarage Coach Lights was turned off All Off completes
dev:32024-06-16 03:44:51.087 PMdebugparse:zw device: 08, command: 2503, payload: 00 00 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:32024-06-16 03:44:50.738 PMdebugoff()
dev:22024-06-16 03:44:49.909 PMinfoPorch was turned off Porch Light properly turns off
dev:12024-06-16 03:44:45.956 PMinfoBack Hallway was turned off
dev:12024-06-16 03:44:45.856 PMinfoBack Hallway was turned on
dev:622024-06-16 03:44:41.186 PMinfoFR Table Lamps was turned off [digital]
dev:622024-06-16 03:44:38.964 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital]
dev:612024-06-16 03:44:38.819 PMinfoWalkway: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:612024-06-16 03:44:38.816 PMinfoWalkway: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:602024-06-16 03:44:38.744 PMinfoOffice Cans: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:602024-06-16 03:44:38.742 PMinfoOffice Cans: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:582024-06-16 03:44:38.699 PMinfoBox Lights Main: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:582024-06-16 03:44:38.696 PMinfoBox Lights Main: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:622024-06-16 03:44:38.341 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital]
dev:192024-06-16 03:44:38.261 PMinfoDR Nook: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:192024-06-16 03:44:38.258 PMinfoDR Nook: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:182024-06-16 03:44:38.104 PMinfoDR Chandelier: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:182024-06-16 03:44:38.102 PMinfoDR Chandelier: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:172024-06-16 03:44:38.083 PMinfoDR Wall Sconces: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:172024-06-16 03:44:38.081 PMinfoDR Wall Sconces: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:162024-06-16 03:44:38.034 PMinfoMBR Cans: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:162024-06-16 03:44:38.032 PMinfoMBR Cans: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:142024-06-16 03:44:37.978 PMinfoFireplace Ceiling: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:142024-06-16 03:44:37.976 PMinfoFireplace Ceiling: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:112024-06-16 03:44:37.863 PMinfoLanai Cans: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:112024-06-16 03:44:37.861 PMinfoLanai Cans: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:102024-06-16 03:44:37.790 PMinfoKitchen Eating Area: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:102024-06-16 03:44:37.788 PMinfoKitchen Eating Area: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:92024-06-16 03:44:37.771 PMinfoBonus Ceiling: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:92024-06-16 03:44:37.769 PMinfoBonus Ceiling: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:72024-06-16 03:44:37.699 PMinfoKitchen Island: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:72024-06-16 03:44:37.697 PMinfoKitchen Island: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:62024-06-16 03:44:37.665 PMinfoKitchen Ceiling: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:62024-06-16 03:44:37.663 PMinfoKitchen Ceiling: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:52024-06-16 03:44:37.630 PMinfoLaundry Hall: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:52024-06-16 03:44:37.628 PMinfoLaundry Hall: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:42024-06-16 03:44:37.600 PMinfoFoyer: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:42024-06-16 03:44:37.598 PMinfoFoyer: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:2162024-06-16 03:44:36.789 PMinfoAll Off was turned off
dev:552024-06-16 03:44:36.773 PMinfoMBath Vanity Clg: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:542024-06-16 03:44:36.669 PMinfoMBath Walls: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:202024-06-16 03:44:36.537 PMinfoLanai Fans is off [digital]
dev:1742024-06-16 03:44:36.393 PMinfoMBR Hallway was turned off
dev:1742024-06-16 03:44:36.391 PMdebugparse:zw device: 2D, command: 2503, payload: 00 00 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:152024-06-16 03:44:36.293 PMinfoPool Floods: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:522024-06-16 03:44:36.127 PMinfoMBR Table Lamps was turned off
dev:132024-06-16 03:44:35.994 PMinfoMBR Sconces was turned off
dev:132024-06-16 03:44:35.992 PMdebugparse:zw device: 12, command: 2503, payload: 00 00 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:122024-06-16 03:44:35.989 PMinfoPool Lights was turned off
dev:122024-06-16 03:44:35.987 PMdebugparse:zw device: 11, command: 2503, payload: 00 00 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:82024-06-16 03:44:35.813 PMinfoGarage Ceiling was turned off
dev:82024-06-16 03:44:35.811 PMdebugparse:zw device: 0D, command: 2503, payload: 00 00 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:552024-06-16 03:44:35.005 PMdebugoff()
dev:542024-06-16 03:44:34.994 PMdebugoff()
dev:1742024-06-16 03:44:34.981 PMdebugoff()
dev:2562024-06-16 03:44:34.953 PMinfoUnder Cabinet was turned off
dev:152024-06-16 03:44:34.933 PMdebugPool Floods: off...
dev:132024-06-16 03:44:34.917 PMdebugoff()
dev:122024-06-16 03:44:34.879 PMdebugoff()
dev:82024-06-16 03:44:34.847 PMdebugoff()
dev:2162024-06-16 03:44:34.772 PMinfoAll Off was turned on All Off Initiated
dev:622024-06-16 03:44:28.437 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital] All On completes
dev:612024-06-16 03:44:27.931 PMinfoWalkway: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:612024-06-16 03:44:27.928 PMinfoWalkway: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:602024-06-16 03:44:27.913 PMinfoOffice Cans: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:602024-06-16 03:44:27.909 PMinfoOffice Cans: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:582024-06-16 03:44:27.853 PMinfoBox Lights Main: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:582024-06-16 03:44:27.851 PMinfoBox Lights Main: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:182024-06-16 03:44:27.833 PMinfoDR Chandelier: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:182024-06-16 03:44:27.830 PMinfoDR Chandelier: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:142024-06-16 03:44:27.818 PMinfoFireplace Ceiling: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:142024-06-16 03:44:27.815 PMinfoFireplace Ceiling: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:192024-06-16 03:44:27.788 PMinfoDR Nook: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:192024-06-16 03:44:27.786 PMinfoDR Nook: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:172024-06-16 03:44:27.692 PMinfoDR Wall Sconces: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:172024-06-16 03:44:27.690 PMinfoDR Wall Sconces: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:162024-06-16 03:44:27.663 PMinfoMBR Cans: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:162024-06-16 03:44:27.661 PMinfoMBR Cans: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:112024-06-16 03:44:27.588 PMinfoLanai Cans: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:112024-06-16 03:44:27.586 PMinfoLanai Cans: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:102024-06-16 03:44:27.532 PMinfoKitchen Eating Area: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:102024-06-16 03:44:27.530 PMinfoKitchen Eating Area: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:92024-06-16 03:44:27.515 PMinfoBonus Ceiling: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:92024-06-16 03:44:27.513 PMinfoBonus Ceiling: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:72024-06-16 03:44:27.490 PMinfoKitchen Island: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:62024-06-16 03:44:27.488 PMinfoKitchen Ceiling: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:72024-06-16 03:44:27.486 PMinfoKitchen Island: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:62024-06-16 03:44:27.484 PMinfoKitchen Ceiling: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:52024-06-16 03:44:27.440 PMinfoLaundry Hall: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:52024-06-16 03:44:27.438 PMinfoLaundry Hall: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:42024-06-16 03:44:27.401 PMinfoFoyer: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:42024-06-16 03:44:27.398 PMinfoFoyer: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:82024-06-16 03:44:27.261 PMinfoGarage Ceiling was turned on
dev:82024-06-16 03:44:27.259 PMdebugparse:zw device: 0D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:552024-06-16 03:44:27.056 PMinfoMBath Vanity Clg: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:2522024-06-16 03:44:27.051 PMinfoAll On was turned off
dev:542024-06-16 03:44:26.983 PMinfoMBath Walls: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:622024-06-16 03:44:26.787 PMinfoFR Table Lamps was turned on [digital]
dev:32024-06-16 03:44:26.596 PMinfoGarage Coach Lights was turned on
dev:32024-06-16 03:44:26.594 PMdebugparse:zw device: 08, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:152024-06-16 03:44:26.342 PMinfoPool Floods: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:1742024-06-16 03:44:26.304 PMinfoMBR Hallway was turned on
dev:1742024-06-16 03:44:26.303 PMdebugparse:zw device: 2D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:132024-06-16 03:44:26.280 PMinfoMBR Sconces was turned on
dev:132024-06-16 03:44:26.278 PMdebugparse:zw device: 12, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:12024-06-16 03:44:26.276 PMinfoBack Hallway was turned on
dev:122024-06-16 03:44:26.228 PMinfoPool Lights was turned on
dev:122024-06-16 03:44:26.226 PMdebugparse:zw device: 11, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:82024-06-16 03:44:26.187 PMdebugon()
dev:82024-06-16 03:44:26.160 PMinfoGarage Ceiling was turned on
dev:82024-06-16 03:44:26.158 PMdebugparse:zw device: 0D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:22024-06-16 03:44:26.096 PMinfoPorch was turned on Porch Light properly turns on
dev:522024-06-16 03:44:26.065 PMinfoMBR Table Lamps was turned on
dev:2562024-06-16 03:44:25.681 PMinfoUnder Cabinet was turned on
dev:552024-06-16 03:44:25.305 PMdebugon()
dev:542024-06-16 03:44:25.293 PMdebugon()
dev:152024-06-16 03:44:25.281 PMdebugPool Floods: on...
dev:1742024-06-16 03:44:25.273 PMdebugon()
dev:132024-06-16 03:44:25.267 PMdebugon()
dev:122024-06-16 03:44:25.260 PMdebugon()
dev:82024-06-16 03:44:25.254 PMdebugon()
dev:32024-06-16 03:44:25.247 PMdebugon()
dev:2522024-06-16 03:44:25.034 PMinfoAll On was turned on All On initiated
dev:32024-06-16 03:44:19.407 PMinfoGarage Coach Lights was turned off All Off completes
dev:32024-06-16 03:44:19.406 PMdebugparse:zw device: 08, command: 2503, payload: 00 00 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:32024-06-16 03:44:19.039 PMdebugoff()
dev:22024-06-16 03:44:18.140 PMinfoPorch was turned off Porch Light properly turns off
dev:622024-06-16 03:44:07.949 PMinfoFR Table Lamps was turned off [digital]
dev:622024-06-16 03:44:05.719 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital]
dev:612024-06-16 03:44:05.556 PMinfoWalkway: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:612024-06-16 03:44:05.554 PMinfoWalkway: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:602024-06-16 03:44:05.528 PMinfoOffice Cans: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:602024-06-16 03:44:05.525 PMinfoOffice Cans: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:582024-06-16 03:44:05.443 PMinfoBox Lights Main: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:582024-06-16 03:44:05.441 PMinfoBox Lights Main: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:622024-06-16 03:44:05.214 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital]
dev:192024-06-16 03:44:04.981 PMinfoDR Nook: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:192024-06-16 03:44:04.979 PMinfoDR Nook: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:182024-06-16 03:44:04.952 PMinfoDR Chandelier: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:182024-06-16 03:44:04.944 PMinfoDR Chandelier: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:172024-06-16 03:44:04.901 PMinfoDR Wall Sconces: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:172024-06-16 03:44:04.899 PMinfoDR Wall Sconces: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:162024-06-16 03:44:04.874 PMinfoMBR Cans: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:162024-06-16 03:44:04.872 PMinfoMBR Cans: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:142024-06-16 03:44:04.825 PMinfoFireplace Ceiling: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:142024-06-16 03:44:04.821 PMinfoFireplace Ceiling: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:112024-06-16 03:44:04.757 PMinfoLanai Cans: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:112024-06-16 03:44:04.755 PMinfoLanai Cans: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:102024-06-16 03:44:04.645 PMinfoKitchen Eating Area: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:102024-06-16 03:44:04.643 PMinfoKitchen Eating Area: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:92024-06-16 03:44:04.627 PMinfoBonus Ceiling: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:92024-06-16 03:44:04.625 PMinfoBonus Ceiling: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:72024-06-16 03:44:04.562 PMinfoKitchen Island: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:72024-06-16 03:44:04.560 PMinfoKitchen Island: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:62024-06-16 03:44:04.442 PMinfoKitchen Ceiling: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:62024-06-16 03:44:04.440 PMinfoKitchen Ceiling: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:52024-06-16 03:44:04.414 PMinfoLaundry Hall: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:52024-06-16 03:44:04.410 PMinfoLaundry Hall: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:42024-06-16 03:44:04.404 PMinfoFoyer: level is set to 0% (digital)
dev:42024-06-16 03:44:04.397 PMinfoFoyer: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:2162024-06-16 03:44:03.997 PMinfoAll Off was turned off
dev:552024-06-16 03:44:03.493 PMinfoMBath Vanity Clg: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:542024-06-16 03:44:03.386 PMinfoMBath Walls: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:202024-06-16 03:44:03.301 PMinfoLanai Fans is off [digital]
dev:1742024-06-16 03:44:03.117 PMinfoMBR Hallway was turned off
dev:1742024-06-16 03:44:03.115 PMdebugparse:zw device: 2D, command: 2503, payload: 00 00 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:152024-06-16 03:44:02.887 PMinfoPool Floods: switch is turned off (digital)
dev:12024-06-16 03:44:02.862 PMinfoBack Hallway was turned off
dev:522024-06-16 03:44:02.852 PMinfoMBR Table Lamps was turned off
dev:132024-06-16 03:44:02.816 PMinfoMBR Sconces was turned off
dev:132024-06-16 03:44:02.814 PMdebugparse:zw device: 12, command: 2503, payload: 00 00 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:122024-06-16 03:44:02.787 PMinfoPool Lights was turned off
dev:122024-06-16 03:44:02.785 PMdebugparse:zw device: 11, command: 2503, payload: 00 00 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:82024-06-16 03:44:02.757 PMinfoGarage Ceiling was turned off
dev:82024-06-16 03:44:02.755 PMdebugparse:zw device: 0D, command: 2503, payload: 00 00 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:2562024-06-16 03:44:02.291 PMinfoUnder Cabinet was turned off
dev:552024-06-16 03:44:02.192 PMdebugoff()
dev:542024-06-16 03:44:02.181 PMdebugoff()
dev:1742024-06-16 03:44:02.167 PMdebugoff()
dev:152024-06-16 03:44:02.119 PMdebugPool Floods: off...
dev:132024-06-16 03:44:02.101 PMdebugoff()
dev:122024-06-16 03:44:02.094 PMdebugoff()
dev:82024-06-16 03:44:02.061 PMdebugoff()
dev:2162024-06-16 03:44:01.982 PMinfoAll Off was turned on All Off Initiated
dev:622024-06-16 03:43:53.514 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital] All On completes approx 4-5 seconds later
dev:612024-06-16 03:43:52.724 PMinfoWalkway: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:612024-06-16 03:43:52.721 PMinfoWalkway: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:182024-06-16 03:43:52.707 PMinfoDR Chandelier: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:182024-06-16 03:43:52.704 PMinfoDR Chandelier: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:142024-06-16 03:43:52.692 PMinfoFireplace Ceiling: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:142024-06-16 03:43:52.690 PMinfoFireplace Ceiling: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:602024-06-16 03:43:52.684 PMinfoOffice Cans: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:602024-06-16 03:43:52.682 PMinfoOffice Cans: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:582024-06-16 03:43:52.653 PMinfoBox Lights Main: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:582024-06-16 03:43:52.650 PMinfoBox Lights Main: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:192024-06-16 03:43:52.576 PMinfoDR Nook: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:192024-06-16 03:43:52.573 PMinfoDR Nook: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:162024-06-16 03:43:52.531 PMinfoMBR Cans: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:162024-06-16 03:43:52.529 PMinfoMBR Cans: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:172024-06-16 03:43:52.510 PMinfoDR Wall Sconces: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:172024-06-16 03:43:52.507 PMinfoDR Wall Sconces: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:102024-06-16 03:43:52.495 PMinfoKitchen Eating Area: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:102024-06-16 03:43:52.492 PMinfoKitchen Eating Area: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:72024-06-16 03:43:52.414 PMinfoKitchen Island: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:72024-06-16 03:43:52.411 PMinfoKitchen Island: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:112024-06-16 03:43:52.398 PMinfoLanai Cans: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:112024-06-16 03:43:52.395 PMinfoLanai Cans: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:92024-06-16 03:43:52.336 PMinfoBonus Ceiling: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:92024-06-16 03:43:52.334 PMinfoBonus Ceiling: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:52024-06-16 03:43:52.315 PMinfoLaundry Hall: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:52024-06-16 03:43:52.313 PMinfoLaundry Hall: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:62024-06-16 03:43:52.305 PMinfoKitchen Ceiling: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:62024-06-16 03:43:52.302 PMinfoKitchen Ceiling: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:42024-06-16 03:43:52.261 PMinfoFoyer: level is set to 100% (digital)
dev:42024-06-16 03:43:52.258 PMinfoFoyer: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:82024-06-16 03:43:52.179 PMinfoGarage Ceiling was turned on
dev:82024-06-16 03:43:52.177 PMdebugparse:zw device: 0D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:552024-06-16 03:43:51.924 PMinfoMBath Vanity Clg: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:2522024-06-16 03:43:51.898 PMinfoAll On was turned off
dev:622024-06-16 03:43:51.836 PMinfoFR Table Lamps was turned on [digital]
dev:542024-06-16 03:43:51.274 PMinfoMBath Walls: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:152024-06-16 03:43:51.138 PMinfoPool Floods: switch is turned on (digital)
dev:12024-06-16 03:43:51.115 PMinfoBack Hallway was turned on
dev:1742024-06-16 03:43:51.097 PMinfoMBR Hallway was turned on
dev:1742024-06-16 03:43:51.095 PMdebugparse:zw device: 2D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:132024-06-16 03:43:51.057 PMinfoMBR Sconces was turned on
dev:132024-06-16 03:43:51.055 PMdebugparse:zw device: 12, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:82024-06-16 03:43:51.022 PMdebugon()
dev:122024-06-16 03:43:51.019 PMinfoPool Lights was turned on
dev:122024-06-16 03:43:51.015 PMdebugparse:zw device: 11, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:82024-06-16 03:43:50.990 PMinfoGarage Ceiling was turned on
dev:82024-06-16 03:43:50.988 PMdebugparse:zw device: 0D, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:22024-06-16 03:43:50.885 PMinfoPorch was turned on Porch Light properly turns on
dev:32024-06-16 03:43:50.881 PMinfoGarage Coach Lights was turned on
dev:32024-06-16 03:43:50.879 PMdebugparse:zw device: 08, command: 2503, payload: FF FF 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:522024-06-16 03:43:50.853 PMinfoMBR Table Lamps was turned on
dev:2562024-06-16 03:43:50.481 PMinfoUnder Cabinet was turned on
dev:552024-06-16 03:43:50.152 PMdebugon()
dev:542024-06-16 03:43:50.140 PMdebugon()
dev:152024-06-16 03:43:50.126 PMdebugPool Floods: on...
dev:1742024-06-16 03:43:50.117 PMdebugon()
dev:132024-06-16 03:43:50.110 PMdebugon()
dev:122024-06-16 03:43:50.103 PMdebugon()
dev:82024-06-16 03:43:50.094 PMdebugon()
dev:32024-06-16 03:43:50.086 PMdebugon()
dev:2522024-06-16 03:43:49.883 PMinfoAll On was turned on All On initiated

With unrelated rows removed...

Log Data Comments
2024-06-16 03:47:09.251 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital]
dev:22024-06-16 03:47:08.840 PMinfoPorch was turned on Finally Porch Light is turned on
dev:2522024-06-16 03:47:06.471 PMinfoAll On was turned on Try another All On manually involked
dev:152024-06-16 03:46:59.462 PMdebugPool Floods: switch is turned on (digital) [NOT CHANGED] All On completes but no turn on of porch light
dev:2522024-06-16 03:46:45.915 PMinfoAll On was turned on Try another All On manually involked
dev:622024-06-16 03:46:26.367 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital] All On completes but no turn on of porch light
dev:2522024-06-16 03:46:23.506 PMinfoAll On was turned on Try another All On manually involked
dev:622024-06-16 03:45:05.970 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital] All On completes but no turn on of porch light
dev:2522024-06-16 03:45:01.033 PMinfoAll On was turned on All On Initiated
dev:32024-06-16 03:44:51.089 PMinfoGarage Coach Lights was turned off All Off completes
dev:22024-06-16 03:44:49.909 PMinfoPorch was turned off Porch Light properly turns off
dev:22024-06-16 03:44:26.096 PMinfoPorch was turned on Porch Light properly turns on
dev:2522024-06-16 03:44:25.034 PMinfoAll On was turned on All On initiated
dev:32024-06-16 03:44:19.407 PMinfoGarage Coach Lights was turned off All Off completes
dev:22024-06-16 03:44:18.140 PMinfoPorch was turned off Porch Light properly turns off
dev:2162024-06-16 03:44:01.982 PMinfoAll Off was turned on All Off Initiated
dev:622024-06-16 03:43:53.514 PMinfoFR Table Lamps is on [digital] All On completes approx 4-5 seconds later
dev:22024-06-16 03:43:50.885 PMinfoPorch was turned on Porch Light properly turns on
dev:2522024-06-16 03:43:49.883 PMinfoAll On was turned on All On initiated

If you could physically see that the device was not turning on then either the device was never getting the command, or the device was having some sort of malfunction. More likely that it just did not get the command from the hub. Looks like you flipped around 7 devices on and off repeatedly, that alone is a good way to cause problems.

Yes I agree flooding the system with ZWave command is hardly a typical usage profile but I am trying to stress the system to better understand why some devices fail to act on a command. Since the issue is an intermittent by definition it isn't readily duplicated.

At this point it is unclear if the rule machine is issuing the commands or if it gets bogged down and somehow drops commands, or the command is sent over the RF channel but doesn't toggle the node because of RF interference or a channel collision, or there is a logic bug in the driver which causes some messages to get lost, or the Zooz device has some issue in receiving and acting on commands.

I spent 40 years in telecom and learned long ago that coding for the nominal case was about 35% of the effort and coding for all the error traps and dealing with degenerative cases was the rest of the work. Further that systems expose such flaws when they are scaled upward with transaction traffic.

I am going to split the device population into the three bins I mention before (same driver no change, same driver turn on supervision, and lastly the default hubitat driver) as I stated before and see if that correlates to a pattern. I'm 1300 miles away from the system under test so a bit reluctant to make major config changes remotely as I cannot un-pair and re-pair from afar if something goes amiss.

Unreliable ZWave end nodes operating under rules is why I left the Ezlo Eco system. They had even more erratic performance and no concrete plan to correct it. Hubitat/Zooz is much better but still has gaps. My old Vera system (using for 10+ years) has All On and All Off "scenes" and they run successfully to completion everytime, 100%. Sometime they slow down but they always run to successful completion. My ZWave network on the Vera is also more elaborate (more devices) than I have on the Hubitat/Zooz system. So I don't know what type of handshaking Vera built on top of the Zwave layer but they obviously put in some sort of confirmation handshaking device by device.

I guess worst case I can continue to set up rules to command the device twice after a delay. That's a pain to do but might be the final answer. Then when I command via iPhone or wall scene controller buttons (Zen32) I'll have to accept that sometimes the action won't work and you'll have to press the button a second time. Just seems an unnecessary compromise.

There is no reason this needs to be unclear; enabling Action logging for the rule will show you what it is doing when, or if you don't want to believe that (it should be accurate but technically isn't an authoritative source at the platform level), the Events page for the device will show what commands were sent by what app (you'd be looking for commands specifically, not events).

The only way to tell for sure is a zniffer setup. But I think if RM or the hub was failing to send the commands out at all, we would hear more about it. I suspect it is a localized mesh issue.

If you cannot visually confirm if the device is acting or not then it is more of a challenge to troubleshoot. One thing you could do is for the device in question using my driver, enable debug logging. When you have an apparent failure to update the state issue a refresh from the device page before trying anything else. If the device responds to the refresh either way you will get a log telling you the response (may be debug log if the state does not change).

Nope, not in my driver anyway. If you are concerned turn on Trace logging which logs every single incoming message nearly as soon as the driver receives it. You will find that every inbound message has action taken (may only result in a debug log saying nothing changed).

Unlikely to be a Zooz firmware issue or we would hear more about it.

Probably just keeps hammering away until the device responds. Which is just a band-aid for poor mesh performance. Same as what the All Off app does but I think it eventually gives up so as to not be stuck an infinite loop of retries. There is nothing else more magical that you can do that would make it work any better.

Yes it is unnecessary if you have a fully functional mesh. I rarely have to run any actions multiple times to get results. The only time it may happen is if one of my larger automated shut down rules just ran and I go to turn a light back on, sometimes it gets very delays due to heavy traffic of the shutdown and locks.

If you really wanted to, my drivers could be modified to just send the commands out twice each time you press On.

The issue with actually coding in retries gets very complicated because what if the user clicks on, and it does not work instantly so they click off then on again and then double tap up twice. Do you retry all of those commands causing the light to possibly be flickering on and off, or how, in the code, do you decide what the user wants to do?