Did I do something wrong?

Good morning all. I am a brand new member to the community and I hope I did something wrong last night and this is just not a sign of whats to come. From getting my hub registered to adding 2 GE Z-Wave switches, nothing was installed the way the instructions or the doc.hubitat.com say.

According to the instructions my setup shouldn't anything to do with it but just in case here is how I am setup. Due to lack of ports my hub is plugged into a Ethernet Switch from my router.

1st - I could not find my Hub on portal.hubitat.com . I then went into Advanced Discovery to enter my ip address and still no luck. Searching through the forums and found a post that said to visit portal.hubitat.com/portal.html and bingo found my hub.

Next - Trying to connect 2 GE Z-Wave smart switches. I am come from Wink and was finally able to remove them from my Wink hub. After a lot of trial and error I found a way to reset my switches. Then I was able to do the Exclusion and Pairing setup. The switch was found and would just sit in the Initializing phase. I did this many times waiting 10-15 mins to pair and no luck. I finally went to Settings, Z-Wave Details and saw the device sitting there. Under Device there was a button that said Discover, I clicked on that and the switch paired instantly. I repeated the process for my 2nd switch and it would only pair using this method.

I called it a night after that. Like I said above these instructions were not on any forum and I just found it with dumb luck. Please tell me that I did something wrong and this is not the norm with getting stuff to work. :pray:

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Not the norm.

There are apparently a few pairing issues on the new c-7 model hubs that Hubitat is actively working to fix.

I would expect that after they get the issue resolved pairing will be much easier / more reliable.

So chalk it up to new product quirks that will be ironed out/fixed! While unfortunate to have issues on a new product launch, the new c-7 hub is very different under the hood, so a lot of new code.

They'll get it resolved though!


That makes me feel a little better. Hopefully they will get it fixed soon.

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There is a post talking about the issues. The workaround when that happens is to use the discover button on the device page. You did good finding that yourself.

Note that not all people nor all devices have experienced this pairing issue. Also, the C7 moved to the most recent Z-wave chip set so there is some new hardware compared to the C5 hub.

Once paired you should be good to go. I have a C4 and C5 hub and they have been solid.