I just got the RGBTW Smart Lightstrip from Inovelli but I'm having trouble controlling it with my google home. This was added fine in the Alexa Skills app in Hubitat but not showing up in Google home for some reason.
FWIW - I have noticed some devices (such as my Zooz smart plug) show up fine in google home but others I have added on the google home app in Hubitat but do not show up in google. When I check the Hubitat app again my previous devices I added do not show up as checked.
Added new device (such as the Inovelli light strips) and add into Alexa Skill and Google Home app in Hubitat.
Open Google Home app and setup device that works with google
Click Hubitat (Hubitat only shows some of my devices I added previous but not any of the new devices I added)
Click "Check for new devices" in google home app
Google home app says Hubitat is successfully synced but none of the new devices I added show up
Go back to Hubitat Google Home app - the devices I checked to add to google home do not show up
Going a little crazy trying to figure out the issue. My Inovelli light strips are supposed to work on google home. I haven't found anyone else on the forums with a similar issue so I'm wondering if there is a way to remove the Google Home app from Hubitat and start fresh?
The built in Hubitat Google Home app only supports a subset of device types, so it's likely that devices that aren't working aren't supported by the Hubitat app. There is a Google Home Community app that is more flexible.
You can install it from HPM.
Search "Google Home Community" for the release thread.
The first things I'd try, is to reboot the hub. Then either reauthorize Hubitat in the Google Home app, or unlink and relink your Hubitat account. As pointed out, there are catagories of devices that Hubitat will not pass along to Google. Curtains, blinds, and locks come to mind. Fans will almost always come over as lights. The devices you have listed here "should" come over. The Inovelli light strips are a newer device so maybe not yet? After you have checked the boxes of the devices you want to share with Google, remember to hit the "done" botton at the bottom. Go to Google Home and do a sync. You should now see new devices and be asked what room you want them in. Any devices that are not compatible will now be unchecked in the Hubitat-Google app. I have not yet gone down the path of the comminity Google app, but probably will. I find the lock and fan situation fustrating. I would love the ability to ask Google if my doors are locked, or to lock them. I have no desire to unlock them through Google, but at the bare minimum status should be available.