Devices not responding (on/off)

I have around 55 switches and it looks like none of them are responding. Going into the app (either the management page via browser or the iphone app) and turning a device on/off does not work. What's strange is that one of the switches is a jasco with a motion sensor built in and it does pick up the motion events accurately.

However if I toggle the on/off for the same switch in the app, it does not respond. Has anyone seen this? Doesn't look like I can embed pictures or post a link.

Are these Zwave switches? If so I’d suggest shutting down the hub gracefully, removing power at the wall end for 5 min, and then restarting. If it recovers and doesn’t happen again then I’d just let it be. If it does happen again or doesn’t fully recover then we probably need to dig deeper.

Use this link to allow pictures etc


Yes I also have this problem, started Saurday 1/12/22.

Sorry typo 18/12/22

Also zwave? And hard down since the 12th? Can you post a screen shot of your zwave details page?

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@brad5 If that was directed at me yes all devices misbehaving are zwave.
Have just powered hub off & pulled power. Waiting on hub to restart. Will then check it out & post back.

Yeah it was... when you come back can you take a screen shot of your zwave details page and post it?

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It is odd that none respond, yet the motion events are reported accurately. That means the radio is functional, but something within your mesh has gone really wrong. Having one or more switches misbehaving can cause the devices to go unresponsive. Checking or sharing the Z-Wave Details page as suggested above is probably the best place to start.

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Just checked & is still the same after power off. Also checked zwave details page & I have 4 devices fallen off. They are named as "Discover". zwave repair on them fails saying "Failed node" I guess they are ghosts. How do I get rid of them ??

Could you please provide more details? Unlike cloud based platforms, each hub is unique and problems that appear to be seemingly the same may have completely different root causes, so providing enough details can help speed up the resolution.

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@bobbyD yes not a problem.

5 Fibaro FGMS-002 motion sensors all stopped reporting motion on Saturday 18/12/22. They still all report temperature. They all still flash LED when I walk past.

Qubino 2 Relay Module will not switch on or off digitally. Still reports power when I switch it on via physical switch. This also happened Saturday 18/12/22.

Fibaro FGS-223 will no longer switch on or off digitally but also reports power when physically switched on. Also happened Saturday 18/12/22.

2 Fibaro FGDW-002 door / window sensor no longer report temperature or open / closed or battery. Also happened Saturday 18/12/22.

1 Fibaro FGDW-002 door / window sensor no longer reports open / closed or temperature but reports temperature. Again started 18/12/22.

2 FGK-10X fw 3.2 door / window sensor no longer reports open / closed or battery but reports temperature. Again started 18/12/22.

2 Fibaro FGSD-002 smoke sensors no longer report battery status but do report temperature. Also happened 18/12/22.

Aeon Multisensor 5 not reported motion since 18/12/22. But reported battery, temp & humdity till 1/12/22 now not reporting anything.

3 Foxx ZW075-C07 power plug will not switch on off digitally, still report power when switched on physically.

2 Popp 123665 power plug will not switch on off digitally.

All zigbee devices seem to be working OK.

I have excluded & re-included a Fibaro FGMS-002 but it does not list all State Variables encluding motion. No matter how I try pressing action button & configure tile.

Around the time this all happened I recall doing a firmware upgrade. I have gone back to the previous firmware with no effect.
I have done a sort reset & uploaded a db backup earlier than the problems but still no good.

Are you on the latest firmware for the zwave radio? Those are released with platform updates but they are installed separately by using an update button that appears on the zwave details page. If no such button appears then you are on the latest zwave firmware. I doubt if this is a database issue - sounds more like a zwave mesh problem.

It would be really helpful if you could post a screen shot of your zwave details page.

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Didn't know about the zwave radio firmware button. Just checked & "Firmware Upgrade" button is there on zwave details page. Will update it now.

Yeah I'm not sure that is the issue but the last couple of zwave firmware updates have really made significant improvements in performance and reliability, and have made it easier to fix issues. So you might as well start there. The fixes are not something Hubitat controls, by the way. The updates are issued by Silicon Labs and incorporated into an HE update after testing.

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Yes is updating now, slowly. Fingers crossed. As I said in a previous post I have 4 devices fallen off. They are named as "Discover". zwave repair on them fails saying "Failed node" I guess they are ghosts. How do I get rid of them ??

Ghosts are usually duplicates of functioning devices. But in your case maybe not. First you have to locate the physical device and power it down. It needs to be completely unreachable. Then you have to go back to the zwave page and click repair a couple of times until a remove button appears. Then you click that a few times and it should go away.

I think (@bobbyd keep me honest) if a discover button appears it is possible to bypass the above, put the device back into pairing mode, and click "discover."


Ok I'll take the "like" from Bobby as I'm right about the "discover" button. I suspect though you've got a mesh issue somewhere that may extend beyond the ghosts. Could be you don't have enough repeaters, or a device has gone bad, or something. Looking at routes, RSSI, and response time in the zwave details page will help isolate them.

ZWave meshes are a bit like a fine wine - they get better with age. So also waiting a couple days after making a few changes to see what happens wouldn't be a bad idea. Unless you're impatient like me and need instant gratification.

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Yes problem is 3 of them I can not for the life of me work out what they are ! Obviously not a device that is used much. May be device that have failed. Actually only one has discover button now. Have to wait for the radio update to finish anyways.

If you can't figure out what they are the chances are they are duplicates of devices that are still sort of functional. The trick is finding out which ones and powering them off! There are alternative methods but basically you have to prevent the hub from being able to reach the real device, either by removing power, or by getting the hub far enough away, or or by isolating it in terms of RF.

Well at least the heating control worked in the recent real cold weather. I'd rather get it all working sooner than later. Availability of time will soon become an issue as ell.

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Occasionally you get a ghost you just can't remove. In that case there's the zwave stick method, but that's a last resort. And you still have to be able to power down the device in question.