Device status not updating

I have a Dome water valve that I activate exclusively through Hubitat (via Google voice). I've found recently the valve is actuating, however its status never changes in Hubitat, meaning the rules that run based on its activation never start. If I manually refresh the device after activation the status will update.

Is there an obvious route to troubleshoot this? I'm not clear if this is a device problem or a Hubitat one.

I'm not familiar with it but is it Z Wave plus or an older Z Wave model? If it's the latter, it will not update its status automatically, requiring a poll or refresh to update it.

I tried mine through Google voice just to check. It updated its status fine. So I guess it is not a Hubitat problem. Could be a Zwave problem.

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It's a z-wave plus device, and it had previously been working.

I'm guessing the next step would be to reset the device?

Did you upgrade your Zwave firmware? I'm asking because after doing that, a particular switch stop reporting its status. I tried everything to fix it to no avail. I then gave up on it and it started to report again the next day. Anyway there are people on this forum who have way more experience about these things. Hopefully they can help you.

For giggles shut down the hub from the settings menu. Unplug at the wall (not the hub) for 5 mins and power back up. Try again and see how it is.

I came home from a long weekend with this same problem. My Ring contact sensors and my Nest thermostat were still connected to Hubitat and I was able to change their status via the hub, but it wouldn't update to reflect the actual status. So, I rebooted the HE and that seemed to fix my contact sensors, but not the thermostat. Oddly enough, my node-red flows were still working (turning off the thermostat when the contact sensors were opened) but it still showed the wrong status on the Nest node and on the device tab in Hubitat. So, I did a search, came across this post. Powered off the hub as you suggested and when it fired back up everything was running like it should. Thanks!

I'm still having varied results here. It will work sporadically, and then not work. Tried power cycling as described but it hasn't fully resolved the problem.

Which device actually performs the update? I assumed that it was Hubitat tracking the device state, is it instead a question of the device not reporting a changed status even when Hubitat sends the change signal?

I have a dome as well and don't have this problem. It is a plus device so it should update. (I assume you're using the dome driver) make sure your z-wave stack is up to date. Remove, factory reset, and re pair the valve to Hubitat.

I can try a reset and re-add again. Zwave network hasn't changed at all, it's the Dome and 4 Iris repeaters

I will second this, I have had one of these for a long time now, and it works fine in Hubitat on both a C5 and C7 using the Dome Water Valve driver.

You have a C5 or C7? Did you do the specific Zwave Firmware update if you have a C7?

I've got a C5, and for most of its history there's been no issue with this device.

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