I'm writing an app with various inputs set to required true, but the app doesn't seem to respect the inputs that are based on devices/capabilities. If I leave these blank and hit done the app saves without prompting for the device inputs. Text inputs seem to enforce correctly. I went back to a few of my other apps only realize they weren't being enforced either. Let me know if I making a simple syntax error or if this is something else. See code snippet below.
preferences {
section("") {
input "motionSensors", "capability.motionSensor", title: "Select Motion Sensors:", required: true, multiple:true
input "mySwitches", "capability.switch", title: "Switches to Turn On:", multiple:true
input "myDimmers", "capability.switchLevel", title: "Select Dimmers to Set:", multiple:true
input "onLevel", "number", title: "Level when Turned on:", required: true
input "dimLevel", "number", title: "Level when Dimmed:", required: true
input "dimTime", "number", title: "Inactivity Timeout before Lights Dim:", required: true
input "offTime", "number", title: "Timeout before All Light Turn Off:", required: true
//input ("isVS", "boolean", title: "Create Virtual Switch to Enable/Disable?")