Device Firmware Updater Issue

I'm trying to do an OTA update on a device (Zooz ZSE42). I've uploaded the .gbl file to the File Manager and launched the update app. I get this screen:

When I click update Z-Wave Firmware I get this screen:

What am I doing wrong? I see no where to enter the device or the .gbl file.

I've run into that recently too... Try uninstalling & reinstalling the Device Firmware Updater app -- you won't lose any of your library files when you do that.

Thanks for the info. I just uninstalled and then re-installed the app and it no longer shows up in Apps list!? If I go back to built-in Apps and attempt to select it again, it then runs the app.

Anyone know why this no longer showing up in the Apps list?

Never mind- Just found out that the Device Firmware Updater NEVER shows in the app list.

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