Bryan: A couple of (unsolicitated ) suggestions for the Device Firmware Updater app:
- Include the name of the device currently being updated on the update screen. I started an update of one of my blinds, after looking at all five of their device pages over a few minutes to check their settings/status. Ten minutes later I went back to the updater screen to look at progress, and realized that I had forgotten which of the five blinds I had decided to update first. The update progress screen only shows progress and doesn't show the name of the device being updated.
Since I was looking at several different blinds to update just before starting, I'm not 100% sure which blind I finally chose to start with. I know, maybe a "me" issue but for folks w/multiple similar devices to update, showing what's being updated on the update progress screen would be helpful. If the device doesn't show FW version on their Device pages (some of mine don't), you can't go and look at the device page to see if it was updated, unfortunately.
- The name of the app (Device Firmware Updater) makes it harder to find in the alphabatized "Add Built-in App" list and in the Apps page on the hub. I hadn't used the firmware update app for a few months (probably a normal interval for many of us) and went looking for a "Firmware Updater" app in the apps list, and it took me a while to track the app down as I was scrolling quickly to the "F" section of the built-in app list, and kept missing that it was in the "D" section. "Firmware Updater for Devices" seems like a reasonable option. Make it much easier to find for both new users and foggy people like me who haven't used it in months.
I know there is a search option right there at the top of the "Add Built-in App" dialog, but since you're hand is already on the mouse to open the dialog w/a click on the button, it's natural to continue to use the mouse to scroll down to find the appropriate section of the dialog for the app you're looking for.
Renaming it also makes more sense in how it will be ordered in the app list, as the fist thing you think of when you're going to do an update will be "Firmware" not "Device."
Just my two-cents... Nothing earth-shattering here, but felt like some minor changes could improve the experience.