So question for anyone ...
Do excessive logs cause the hub to reduce in performance? And best practices for logging?
So question for anyone ...
Do excessive logs cause the hub to reduce in performance? And best practices for logging?
I have a related questions to this:
Are both of these stored in the database?
Any time parsing log strings takes processor ticks away from other activities. It would likely take a LOT OF LOGGING and other activities to bog the proessing down. (Additionally, a lot of logging may indicate a lot of refresh (or similar) cycles. These also take processor ticks as well as Hub internal LAN resources).
To me driver logging types are:
Exception Logging. This should always be logged. (i.e., your device returns an error state of some sort or an unexpected result, a API error, the interface fails.). These would be log.error or log.warn logs.
Status Logging. These are normal status events. Usually Give the user an option in preferences to log these or not - especially if there are a lot of them. Also, do not create a status log entry to report a state change that is triggered in a sendEvent command. That will be captured in the event log if actually completed.
Debug and Trace logging. Usually for troubleshooting. Usually log.debug or log.trace. I would run these automatically for 15 minutes on Installation and Updated. I would also give the user an option to enable in preferences. When manually enabled, I turn this logging off after 30 minutes.
It is similar in Applications. However, the user interface may be a little differences since it takes a separate page to set up the preferences.
As far as log size, a staff question. But whatever the limit, excessive event changes and logging take up memory and processing resources. I believe event parsing does not log event changes unless the value actually changes or the 'isStateChange' value is set to true. So other than the processing ticks, an non-change event may not take other resources.
Any Staff able to comment on the log size or ability to configure how long logs are kept question? (Or is it answered in another thread/wiki?)
Wife mentioned an odd behavior she noticed this morning but my logs didn't go back far enough to see what may have happened.
What I'm seeing is about about 1100 lines or around 100K of log activity by clicking Show Past Logs. Is that the most I can get?