[DEPRECATED] Tasmota 7.x/8.x firmware for Hubitat + Tuya, Sonoff and other drivers

Thanks for all the great work on this. Really nice to see these ESP8266 drivers!

Any chance you can whip up a driver for a simple DHT11/22 temp/humidity sensor?
Looks like you may have a driver for the BME280 temp/humidity/pressure sensor but I am looking to just use a DHT22 temp/humidity sensor with Hubitat.




I believe the generic THP driver should work, tell me how it goes, if any modifications are needed I'll sort it out. The only limitation of that driver is that there can only be one of each type of sensor, it shouldn't matter which type of sensor you use.

@anon61068208 I just noticed in the built-in mirror app, that if my lights doesn't ALSO have the Switch capability, I can't select them as a source. As such, I'm adding back the Switch capability for now. Not sure if this would be considered a bug in the Mirror app, or if it is by design?

hi markus i just purchaed a hubitat but it seems that i may have jumped the gun with firmware upgrades with tasmota and can't downgrade to 7.1.2 from 7.2 or 8.1.0 via ota but with TTL no problem at all. Is there any way you know of downgrading via ota to 7.1.2 from 8.1.0 or when do you think you'll be updating your firmware 7.2 or 8.1.0

I should be updating to 8.1.0 any day now, just not prioritized it. I've not tried downgrading via OTA from 8.1.0, to be honest I basically only use TTL. Wait a few days and I'll update it.


thank you markus and for your work on integrating tasmota into hubitat

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That would be a mirror app bug then. I use the standard capabilities and Light/Bulb offers the same on/off functions as switch does.

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Clearly I must be doing something wrong. But here is my setup:


  • Hubitat version of the tasmota firmware running on ESP8266MCU (Other tasmota configs set to Hubitat/Smartthing and Hue Bridge ; Hubitat Config (host IP and port set to point to Hubitat hub)
  • Set tasmota configuration (Generic) for DHT11 on D4
  • Tasmota main menu url is correctly reporting Temp and Humidity values so that is all working ok


  • Using driver = Tasmota - Generic Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Device
  • Set device parameter to point to IP of device
  • The device page on Hubitat doesn't seem to even match what I would expect for Temp and Humidity device parameters profile and instead shows ON/OFF command options like it thinks its a switch device only.

Screen Shot 2020-01-08 at 7.53.53 PM.png

Thoughts on what I am missing here?

Thanks in advance

@petevorenkamp I can’t see that screenshot, but have you set a password in the Tasmota device? If so you need to input that in the driver as well. Also, try pushing the Configure button in the driver and make sure it shows the right IP of your device on the driver page. If this doesn’t work, please turn on debugging with Insanely verbose, press Configure then Refresh and give me those logs either here or in a PM.

I’ll report it as a bug then, thank you

EDIT: We were wrong:

No password set. I will try the configure button and check the IP and also turn on logging and let you know.



Generic Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Device Driver logs
(note - i replaced actual ip# with "xxx" below) but this was the log info I got:

sys:12020-01-09 08:15:12.707 pm warnReceived data from 192.168.xxx.xxx, no matching device found for 192.168.xxx.xxx, C0A88BAE:E010, 84F3EBB2CCB5 or C0A88BAE.

sys:12020-01-09 08:15:12.666 pm warnReceived data from 192.168.xxx.xxx, no matching device found for 192.168.xxx.xxx, C0A88BAE:FA88, 84F3EBB2CCB5 or C0A88BAE.

Note - The actual Hub IP and Device IP addresses in the logs were correct

Force the use of IP and enter the IP manually in the driver. Save and press Configure again. The device sends the data to HE, just need to make sure HE knows it is meant for this driver. Make sure your device has a static IP or is pinned in the DHCP server. Do you have your Tasmota device in a separate VLAN or double-NAT or some other setup where it is not on the same subnet as Hubitat?

Is it possible to use to this driver as a button controller? I have this dimmer with 3 buttons on it,

I don't really care about using the buttons for dimming and would rather just use the buttons to send commands to Hubitat to control my smart bulbs, through the "Button Controller" app.

Here is my template:
{"NAME":"MJ SD02","GPIO":[11,10,0,33,34,32,255,255,31,0,30,9,29],"FLAG":15,"BASE":18}

Right now I have the three buttons set as Switch1 - Switch3, with switchmode1 6; switchmode2 5; switchmode3 5. This way they act like buttons and register a quick press and a hold. I can set them as Button1 - Button3 if necessary though.

I am not a coder so didn't know in the driver code where to hard code the IP address so I tried one other idea and it worked! Maybe you can help explain how, but here is what I did.

In Hubitat Driver Preferences:

1 - I enabled Override IP - Override the automatically discovered IP address and disable auto-discovery.

2 - I then added my device IP address to the Device IP Address - Set this as a default fallback for the auto-discovery feature.


Current States

  • driverVersion : v0.9.2 for Tasmota 7.x (Hubitat version)
  • humidity : 36
  • ipLink : 192.168.xxx.xxx
  • module : 18 (Generic)
  • needUpdate : NO
  • temperature : 72.7
  • templateData : {"NAME":"Generic","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}
  • ip : 192.168.xxx.xxx

That is great! That is what I meant, that is what that option is for. I was a bit imprecise in expressing myself, good you found it!


Thanks again for all your help.

It's people like you on these forums that really make a difference to help educate the rest of us to get the most out of these devices capabilities.


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That shouldn't be a problem, if you set Debug Mode to Insanely Verbose and get the logs which start with "result:" like "result: [POWER1:ON]" I will get it clear. Then it's a simple thing to map, do tell me how you expect this to translate to button events in HE if you have some thoughts on that?

I'm happy it worked as expected! I'm not certain how things will behave with temperature in Fahrenheit though, if there's any issue, please do tell me.

Yes, I did the convert of C to F using the direct tasmota SetOption command.

I actually didn't even look to see if any conversion code was embedded in the Hubitat driver .