[DEPRECATED] Kasa Plug, Switch, and Bulb integration

Just noticing this error today.
IP is locked, and when I manually hit the switch in HE it responds.
It did just miss its automation and gave me this error.

dev:582019-08-11 08:30:27.486 pm infoTP plug 4.2.01 TP plug: Power: off

dev:582019-08-11 08:30:10.375 pm warnError occured with UDP message: SocketTimeoutException: Receive timed out

dev:582019-08-11 08:30:10.362 pm errorTP plug 4.2.01 CommsError: Device Offline. The device is not found at the current IP address. Caused by either the IP changed or the device not having power. Check device for power. To update IP either run the Hubitat TP-Link App or updated preferences for a manual installation

It is a device error (busy doing something else). The next version will attempt (by re-polling on periodic refresh message failure).

Are you using static IP addresses? (probably not the problem). I strongly recommend this.

has been on a static IP - yes.
When I click the HE switch it turns off, but it dropped the connection (only started happening today) right before the automation.
Thanks for the reply

What switch? I have been having similar issues with my HS300's (delayed response) when I try to do too much at one time. If you hit the devices too fast, they appear get lost and will not respond to a command.

I have a HS100. Nothing else is happening at that time.
its a single automation to turn the switch on at 430 and off at 830pm.

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Also, look at this link. not your problem, but if you use the automations it is an interesting thread.

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UPDATE. Updated device drivers and device handler have been added to the GitHub repository.

  • Correct URL for import code
  • Add auto-retransmit on comms error (5 tries).
  • Remove "OFFLINE" state from switch
  • Add attribute 'commsError' with value true/false and set after the failure of the auto-retransmit; reset on successful comms.
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update the driver if I have the HS100 ?

All updates are optional. If the features you see in the previous post are of interest, update; otherwise, it is not worth the hassle.


Update: I recommend update for you since you had an offline problem.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."


I updated the driver and the app.
It didnt find my HS100, but the logs showed this.

app:612019-08-23 05:01:03.849 pm info4.4.01 addData: DNI = B04E26C84E9E, model = HS100, ip = 192.168.1.XXX, alias = Hs100, type = IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH, plugNo = null, plugId = null

I didnt delete the device, and its showing up on my dashboard and is controllable now ??

All you had to do was replace the code then run the app preferences. It would not find the device since it is already installed.

However, you must replace the code.

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It actually works. I just had one of my devices not respond to an "on" command. It auto repeated the command once and recovered. The delay was perceivable very short!


thanks so much - seems to be working really well now!
appreciate your hard work

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New Tools Application - Kasa Tools
I have created a new Hubitat Application, Kasa Tools, that supports some nice-to-have device control capabilities:

  • Unbind: Allows you to convert the device to "local only" control. This feature is no longer available in the Kasa app.
  • Bind: Allows you to turn off "local only" control. Also available in the Kasa App.
  • Reboot: Reboot an individual device. For use if all else fails.
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we just need to update the "app" from github ?

No, it is purposely a different app. You will need the IP address of the device. It is separate for now to see how it is received.

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excellent, apologies - im quite slow.

Slow is a 71 year old who never programmed until he was 68.


kudos to you sir!
I've found the app on your github, i'll give it a go tonight!

Hi Dave,

Nice work on the driver, I have bought two HS110 plugs and was easily able to add them to hubitat. I was iterested in seeing an attribute showing the current power usage, knowing that it would only be updated at best every minute. I wanted to use this on my dashboard and potentially in rules down the track. Should there be an attribute for this? If not, would it be hard to add?
