Delayed action not working for me?

Or Iā€™ve got th logic wrong. I want to then the light switch off then back on after 60 secs. That isnā€™t what is happening here. Any ideas?

Sorry, but your description is a little jumbled. Want to be sure I understand exactly what you're trying to do.

Your action says off, but has delayed on mixed with it. It should normally be Off combined with Delayed Off, or On combined with Delayed On

I think you may need 2 rules to accomplish this.

Rule (x)
Trigger=double button push
action=back yard floods off
Rule (y)
Trigger = rule (x) truth
Action = delay 60 back yard floods on

I want to turn off the flood lights, then turn them on after 60 seconds. Was hoping to accomplish in one rule directly in button controller. Flood lights need to reset from the mode that keeps them on steady for 6 hours (motion lights with a optional steady state of you flip the switch 3 times in 5 secs).

You can do this in one rule. But you can't guarantee the timing that accurately. If it has to be flipped 3 times in 5 seconds, why not just do this:

Basically, you repeat the action every second but only 3 times. That will toggle the switch 3 times.


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Sweet. That wasnā€™t the point of my initial request, my initial request was to reset from that mode, but I appreciate it. I was adding context to why I wanted it on then off. I wrote a custom driver to turn it on/off 3 times but itā€™s not working reliably, so Iā€™ll give your idea a shot, thank you!

If I made this rule a trigger off the physical light flood light switch and had it toggle that switch 3 times, is there a way to say ā€œdonā€™t do this if the rule is already runningā€? Otherwise it would be an endless loop right, since the the running rule would re-trigger the rule.

Yes. What you would do is create a trigger. The trigger within the trigger would be the light going off. That trigger would do 3 things. 1 it would run the action I showed you. The second would be to set it's own PB to false and the third would be to set its own PB to true after a delay of say 7 seconds.

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