Delayed action in RM to turn off device not working?

I am doing a test where during Day/Home mode if a water sensor detects water it triggers our Gen5 alarm and it sounds. I have it set to turn off after 20 seconds. However its not turning off unless I push the button on the device. I believe RM is setup correct, but logs show it never tries to turn off after the 20 seconds

Ok I got it work twice but then it stopped so something not correct. It will no longer turn off with the delay action. I have to manually push the switch on the alarm to turn it off.

Idea's? the other rules fire off fine but the delay to turn off


So I did a few more tests, a few worked and more failed to turn off at the delay point..

I have marked in red with the debug turned on on the Gen5 alarm. I assume since debug says off that the RM sent the off command and the Gen5 alarm ignored it?

That's what it looks like. It could be that the processor in the alarm is "busy" for some time after it turns on, and won't process another message right away. You could test this using the device details page to send on and off.

So its been off since my last test.

I trigged the alarm with sensor in a small water dish and at 30 seconds I see that same off command come in but it never shut off

I then went to the app and toggled several times and was actually able to get it to keep the alarm on while pressing off. Then things got delayed the alarm stayed and the dogs got mad and went outside… lol

Not sure if this is because the code was ported over from ST or the Alarm itself is acting up I ordered a Linear/Vision siren since it seems you have the device drivers already included in Hubitat and we’ll see if that acts any differently.

Thanks for taking a look at this @bravenel

That "off()" debug line indicates that Rule Machine is executing the off command so the problem isn't related to Rule Machine.

That screenshot shows that it's set to 5 seconds and it can sometimes take a few seconds to turn on so that might explain why the off command is getting ignored.

Am I correct to assume you're using the siren for other things which is why you're not using its built-in "Turn siren off after" setting to make it turn off after 20 seconds?

The Aeon Siren is supposed to connect unsecure if you tap the action button once while joining and secure if you tap it twice. You might find the device a little bit more reliable if it's joined unsecure. You'll probably need to factory reset the device after removing it in order to get it to pair unsecure.

The response time of that siren isn't great and if you're trying to turn it on and off within 5 seconds you'll most likely have the same problem.

@krlaframboise So in testing my water sensors I had the alarm set for 5 seconds to turn off so it wouldn’t irritate the dogs (It did anyways) so I would test and then wait a few minutes and test again.

I found even if I let it sit for 30 minutes it would not turn off when the off command was sent to it all the time, it would just keep sounding the alarm. Out of 5 test about 2 of them actually turned off the alarm

I did join it only with one tab so it should be insecure. I have the apps set for 60 seconds on alarm and at one point I think it went longer than that and never shut off.

Just the beep tone works great for the doors so no problem there. I’ll run a few more tests today. Thanks for the info, I’m not sure I will even connect the other alarm since there is no button to shut off like the Aeon has so that might be a bust, at least if the Aeon doesn’t shut off you can press the button to do it.

I'll also do some testing.

I'm not sure if this will make a difference, but to rule out a signal issue you might want to move it closer to the hub while testing it.

Are you still having problems?

I have an oddly similar problem, so I'll post here. If it's OT, I'll move it.

I have a rule in RM (below) that is triggered by the Dome valve turning on or off. The use case (and this solution came from @krlaframboise in the ST forums) is that the valve never closes or opens completely and churns the motor, so I use an Iris Smart Plug 3210-L to cut power to the valve after 12 seconds being on - either closing or opening.

The rule below uses delayed action but I have also tried RM's other delay technique with the same results. Nothing happens in the specified time period, but strangely I did notice the "off" command and "speak" command executing once about 9 minutes late.

What am I doing wrong?

RM live logging of two instances - closing and opening:

Device live logging (shows times executed):

I’m still learning to use RM so forgive me if this is a stupid question. In your example, what would happen if you used triggers instead of conditions? Valve turns on, turn off plug after 12 seconds. Valve turns off, turn off plug after 12 seconds.

Thanks @bjcowles. I do prefer triggers when possible - just easier to wrap my head around their concept. I changed it to triggers and it’s working. But, like any bad programmer, I also changed something else so I don’t know for sure what fixed it (had an error in the SMS phone number format).



I moved it back to ST for testing it out a bit more, on ST I get no delays or other issues during testing. Turns on and off as many times as I trigger it with no problems.

I’ll go back to HE probably after our vacation in a few weeks and do testing again there with it and let you know what I found

Are you still using plug in devices on ST? You may have a stronger mesh on ST if you haven’t moved repeaters over to HE yet.

ST or HE, they are both within a few feet while I’m testing and even in their original locations not more than 17 feet from the Siren. Its not a repeater issue that is happening unless HE is that much more under powered and I doubt that is the case