It includes as Device and seems to work fine using the "Generic Z-Wave Valve".
If i close it from the dashboard (using the Valve template) after it closes the icon stays green until the dashboard is refreshed, dashboard opened on other devices will also need a refresh to show the change.
If I manually open and close it (physical button on the valve controller) I can see the device states changing correctly without having to refresh the device page but the dashboards does not show the change until I refresh them...
Just in case I tried 2 other drivers: "Dome Water Shut-Off" and a custom one someone published here for the Zooz Water Valve which happens to say it is for this Leak Gopher Valve in the code, apart from some differences in the device states and the way they report the activities and show in the logs, they all work fine and have the exact same problem in the dashboard.
I have installed a driver for another brand of water shut-off valve and have the same problem. If I force the update of the dashboard by exiting it and re-open it, the status is up to date.
If you display the device from the device app and use the dashboard to open or close the valve, the status of the device updates on the device page but not on the dashboard.