Dashboard tile will control light but not change state

After reading some of the color I decided to play with template colors and type.

I changed one of my Leviton plug in module dimmers from bulb to dimmer. Not sure why it was on bulb in the 1st place but it didn't seem to matter much.
The result was from the dashboard tile I could change the dim level but not turn it on and off.

OK I change a bunch of stuff so I rebooted the hub.

Now I can turn the light on and off but the dashboard tile is stuck to on.

I'm using Chrome on a PC, Win 10/64

I though these were originally working. Anyone have a similar situation?

If looking at the uploads, notice the screenshot names give information of the light state.


I can't seem to figure out what your issue is? You have custom colors for on and off, and they appear to be setting correctly and the state and device is changing.

Or maybe I'm missing something? F12 console logs help a great deal as does the device and layout (in text) which can be gotten from the side menu "i" in the bottom right hand corner.

Hi Patrick,

UPDATE - I think perhaps I might have changed to many things playing around with the devices. I will delete the current dashboard and rebuild so don't waste any time on what I have now unless you think there is something else to be gained. - John

Original Response:

The issue is that the dashboard tile does not change from ON. If you look at the screenshot capture_light off dashboard on_1 & 2.jpg you can see the Device status and Device events show the light is off (and visually the light is off) however the tile is still ON.

If you look at each screen capture, I had the event/device screen partially over the dashboard so each go together. I should have put a text line in between each capture.

I looked at F12, I've not seen it before and not sure what will help you. Does it matter where I am (in the hub) where I am when I press F12? The debug opens on elements is that what you need?


Here is the layout info:

Support Information


{ "clockMode": true, "tiles": [ { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "dimmer", "col": 5, "colSpan": 1, "id": 0, "row": 3, "device": "2", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "bulb", "col": 4, "colSpan": 1, "id": 1, "row": 1, "device": "9", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "bulb", "col": 5, "colSpan": 1, "id": 2, "row": 1, "device": "10", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "bulb", "col": 4, "colSpan": 1, "id": 4, "row": 2, "device": "107", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "bulb", "col": 2, "colSpan": 1, "id": 5, "row": 1, "device": "170", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "bulb", "col": 1, "colSpan": 1, "id": 6, "row": 1, "device": "175", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "bulb", "col": 2, "colSpan": 1, "row": 2, "id": 7, "device": 176 }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "bulb", "col": 3, "colSpan": 1, "row": 2, "id": 8, "device": 177 }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "bulb", "col": 1, "colSpan": 1, "id": 9, "row": 2, "device": "202", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "bulb", "col": 3, "colSpan": 1, "id": 10, "row": 1, "device": "203", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "switch", "col": 5, "colSpan": 1, "id": 11, "row": 2, "device": "204", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "humidity", "col": 1, "colSpan": 1, "id": 12, "row": 4, "device": "5", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "temperature", "col": 1, "colSpan": 1, "id": 13, "row": 3, "device": "5", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "illuminance", "col": 2, "colSpan": 1, "id": 14, "row": 4, "device": "5", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "motion", "col": 2, "colSpan": 1, "id": 15, "row": 3, "device": "5", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "temperature", "col": 3, "colSpan": 1, "id": 16, "row": 3, "device": "364", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "humidity", "col": 3, "colSpan": 1, "id": 17, "row": 4, "device": "364", "templateExtra": "-1" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "attribute", "col": 4, "colSpan": 1, "id": 18, "row": 4, "device": "364", "templateExtra": "feelsLike" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "attribute", "col": 4, "colSpan": 1, "id": 19, "row": 3, "device": "364", "templateExtra": "weather" }, { "rowSpan": 1, "template": "motion", "col": 5, "colSpan": 1, "id": 20, "row": 4, "device": "75", "templateExtra": "-1" } ], "bgColor": null, "lanRefresh": 2, "background": "", "customColors": [ { "template": "relay", "bgColor": "rgba(216,45,255,1)", "iconColor": "rgba(79,144,255,1)", "state": "closed" }, { "template": "relay", "bgColor": "rgba(255,136,25,1)", "iconColor": "rgba(83,255,81,1)", "state": "open" }, { "template": "dimmer", "bgColor": "rgba(29,75,72,1)", "iconColor": "rgba(255,236,61,1)", "state": "off" }, { "template": "dimmer", "bgColor": "rgba(75,75,75,1)", "iconColor": "rgba(147,255,104,1)", "state": "on" }, { "template": "bulb", "bgColor": "", "iconColor": "", "state": "on" }, { "template": "bulb", "bgColor": "", "iconColor": "", "state": "off" } ], "name": "Lighting Status", "readOnly": false, "fontSize": "12", "cloudRefresh": 5, "rows": "4", "cols": "5" }


[ { "id": 176, "label": "Accent Light, Console", "attr": [ { "level": "23", "unit": "null" }, { "switch": "off", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "bulb" }, { "id": 175, "label": "Accent Light, Foyer", "attr": [ { "level": "99", "unit": "null" }, { "switch": "off", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "bulb" }, { "id": 203, "label": "Accent Light, FP Right", "attr": [ { "level": "99", "unit": "null" }, { "switch": "off", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "bulb" }, { "id": 177, "label": "Accent Light, FP Wall Wash", "attr": [ { "level": "23", "unit": "null" }, { "switch": "off", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "bulb" }, { "id": 202, "label": "Accent Light, LR East Wall", "attr": [ { "level": "55", "unit": "null" }, { "switch": "off", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "bulb" }, { "id": 170, "label": "Accent Lite, Dining Room", "attr": [ { "level": "99", "unit": "null" }, { "switch": "off", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "bulb" }, { "id": 204, "label": "Christmas Tree", "attr": [ { "switch": "off", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "switch" }, { "id": 0, "label": "Dashboards", "attr": [ { "id": 105, "name": "Lighting Status" }, { "id": 74, "name": "lights" } ] }, { "id": 74, "label": "Desk Dimmer (0E)", "attr": [ { "level": "100", "unit": "null" }, { "switch": "off", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "bulb" }, { "id": 10, "label": "Exterior Garage Flood (0C)", "attr": [ { "level": "100", "unit": "null" }, { "switch": "off", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "bulb" }, { "id": 298, "label": "Family Room Thermostat", "attr": [ { "supportedThermostatModes": "[auto, cool, heat, off]", "unit": "null" }, { "supportedThermostatFanModes": "[auto, on]", "unit": "null" }, { "thermostatMode": "off", "unit": "null" }, { "heatingSetpoint": "68", "unit": "°F" }, { "thermostatOperatingState": "idle", "unit": "null" }, { "thermostatSetpoint": "68", "unit": "°F" }, { "thermostatFanMode": "auto", "unit": "null" }, { "temperature": "72", "unit": "°F" } ], "template": "multi" }, { "id": 9, "label": "Front Entrance", "attr": [ { "numberOfButtons": "6", "unit": "null" }, { "checkInterval": "10920", "unit": "null" }, { "pushed": "1", "unit": "null" }, { "lastEvent": " Tap ▼", "unit": "null" }, { "held": "1", "unit": "null" }, { "level": "99", "unit": "%" }, { "lastActivity": "2018 Jul 28 Sat 10:14:01 PM", "unit": "null" }, { "switch": "off", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "bulb" }, { "id": 75, "label": "Garage Motion & Temp", "attr": [ { "tamper": "clear", "unit": "null" }, { "pendingChanges": "5", "unit": "null" }, { "lastUpdate": "06/22/2018 05:01:05 PM", "unit": "null" }, { "lastCheckin": "06/22/2018 08:59:59 PM", "unit": "null" }, { "primaryStatus": "inactive", "unit": "null" }, { "ProduceTypeCode": "2002", "unit": "null" }, { "ManufacturerCode": "0109", "unit": "null" }, { "WirelessConfig": "ZWP", "unit": "null" }, { "ProductCode": "0205", "unit": "null" }, { "battery": "100", "unit": "%" }, { "WakeUp": "wakeup", "unit": "null" }, { "motion": "inactive", "unit": "null" }, { "temperature": "95", "unit": "F" } ], "template": "motion" }, { "id": 5, "label": "Guest Room Environment", "attr": [ { "acceleration": "inactive", "unit": "null" }, { "motion": "inactive", "unit": "null" }, { "temperature": "74.2", "unit": "F" }, { "humidity": "55", "unit": "%" }, { "battery": "100", "unit": "%" }, { "illuminance": "0", "unit": "Lux" }, { "ultravioletIndex": "0", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "motion" }, { "id": 0, "label": "HSM Status", "attr": { "status": null } }, { "id": 106, "label": "Living Room Thermostat", "attr": [ { "supportedThermostatModes": "[auto, cool, heat, off]", "unit": "null" }, { "supportedThermostatFanModes": "[auto, on]", "unit": "null" }, { "thermostatMode": "off", "unit": "null" }, { "thermostatOperatingState": "idle", "unit": "null" }, { "thermostatFanMode": "auto", "unit": "null" }, { "heatingSetpoint": "62", "unit": "°F" }, { "thermostatSetpoint": "62", "unit": "°F" }, { "temperature": "74", "unit": "°F" } ], "template": "multi" }, { "id": 0, "label": "Modes", "attr": [ { "active": true, "id": 1, "name": "Day" }, { "active": false, "id": 2, "name": "Evening" }, { "active": false, "id": 3, "name": "Night" }, { "active": false, "id": 4, "name": "Away" } ] }, { "id": 2, "label": "Module Test Unit", "attr": [ { "level": "30", "unit": "null" }, { "switch": "off", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "bulb" }, { "id": 107, "label": "String Lights", "attr": [ { "level": "68", "unit": "null" }, { "switch": "off", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "bulb" }, { "id": 364, "label": "Wunderground", "attr": [ { "timeZoneOffset": "-0400", "unit": "null" }, { "city": "Cheshire, CT", "unit": "null" }, { "alertKeys": "[]", "unit": "null" }, { "alert": "no current weather alerts", "unit": "null" }, { "temperature": "74", "unit": "F" }, { "feelsLike": "74", "unit": "°F" }, { "humidity": "93", "unit": "%" }, { "weatherIcon": "nt_cloudy", "unit": "null" }, { "weather": "Overcast", "unit": "null" }, { "wind": "2", "unit": "MPH" }, { "percentPrecip": "50", "unit": "%" }, { "forecastIcon": "chancerain", "unit": "null" } ], "template": "multi" } ]

I'm trying to get my Hubitat running and I noticed a similar situation. I have the latest updates, but when I use the cloud dashboard, the tiles don't change states unless I refresh the webpage. When I click to turn on a light, the hourglass comes up and doesn't go away. I refresh the webpage and the tile state seems to be correct.

Any ideas?


Cloud dashboard refresh should be fixed now.

This topic seems to be describing the behavior of a couple of my dashboard tiles.
Hubitat C-4 with 2.08.113
Device is Nue 3A ZigBee Smart Light Dimmer Switch, model HGZB-02A Zigbee 3.0 Device is configured as "Generic Zigbee Dimmer."
Button controllers are AduroSmart ERIA Smart Home Wireless Dimming Switch (a misnomer since this is a button controller, not a switch as such). Also Zigbee 3.0. Devices (2 ea.) are configured as "ERIA Dimmer Switch."

Tiles are set up as the proper name of the device and with the Dimmer template.

Initially, things seemed to be behaving, but lately (I can't say when it started), the tile will say the lights are on when they are off. If I click on the tile, the color changes to the off color but an hourglass shows up and does not go away. If I refresh the dashboard, the color reverts to the On color. The dimmer responds properly to the ERIA buttons, sometimes with a delay if they have not been used for a while.

I have set up a second hub which is a C-5 hub that now holds all the Iris V1 devices that had been causing issues with the ERIA button operation. The two hubs are linked with Hub Link on the C-4 hub and Link to Hub on the C-5 hub.

What is happening with the tiles on my dashboard? How do I fix it so that the state of the dashboard tile stays in sync with the state of the lights?
Dashboard tile

Sounds like it has nothing to do with dashboard, but with device states outside of dashboard.

Confirm that the dashboard is working fine by creating a virtual dimmer and testing with that.

Then confirm the device is working in the hub's device detail section.

If you can confirm that a dashboard exhibits this behavior with a virtual dimmer, please share your browser and OS / device information and confirm that you can also reproduce the issue on another device / browser.

Thank you. If I have two button controllers (ERIA) controlling the same dimmer, should they both be set up to control the dimmer or should one ERIA device use the option to "Push a button" on the other button device? so that only one of the ERIA devices is controlling the dimmer? Could this be what is causing this disconnect?

I'm not familiar with these devices. But it does sound like something is improperly configured or communication failure.

Isolate the issue and check the states and events in each device details screen for what the device is reporting. Dashboard can only show what it knows about the device.

1 Like

Okay. It looks like the HGZB-02A device was responding to the ERIA buttons but was not reporting its status back. I just used the physical switch to power cycle the HGZB-02A dimmer and that seems to have gotten it back into sync. Thanks for the suggestion about communication failure. That was very helpful.

1 Like

hi there just wondering if you have the 3a wall dimmer (like attached pic) or know if these work in Hubitat?


I don't have them so I don't know if they would work or not.

i dived more into this and was told they should work but you need to update the device handler with a different endpoint ID. What that endpoint id is i don't know.

trying to find out

Having similar problems with Dashboard and dimmer. My case has far fewer variables. Device is a Levitron DZ6HD configured as Generic Z-wave dimmer. It's the first and, so far, only switch/dimmer on my hub. The dashboard controls work to toggle the light on/off and to adjust the intensity, but it shows the light as ON when it's actually OFF. It does this regardless of whether I used the Dashboard or the physical dimmer switch to turn out the light.