Dashboard Tile to Pause/Resume Rule

I mentioned a comment on last nights livestream about using the Dashboard tile to Pause/Resume a rule, so that this could be done remotely. The idea came from this user on the HE Facebook group


@patrick mentioned using the link tile to the rule, which works but apparently only seems to work while connected to a "local" dashboard, and doesn't work on a "cloud" dashboard which is what the user case was asking about by using this to remotely pause a rule.

This would be a great update if implemented.

I saw the live stream also. why not keep it simple. create a virtual switch, make a tile, and in each rule implement an if switch on exit rule as the first line? I do this for each room that has automation for those time that the automation is not right for.

I don't understand what you mean by "exit rule"?

in rule machine. there is a post about Rule 4.0: Retirement of Restrictions

I see.....this can be done but takes multiple steps in the logic with If ( ) then also with Else If's ( ) in order to resume the rule, not to mention adding even more virtual switches cluttering up the device page to accomplish this.

It would be nice to have a simple dashboard tile that links to the pause/resume tab on the rule simulating switching pause/resume.

Can't you do that with a virtual switch and another rule reacting to the switch to pause/result the other rule as appropriate?

Yes, that is how I tested it to see if it would work and it did.....it's not as simplified and pretty as the original poster wanted.....just to create a simple dashboard tile (say like you would an attribute, or using the link method patrick mentions while using the Local Dashboard) to pause/resume a rule.

Which this does that with the virtual switch and separate rule (or adding logic to the original rule).....it just requires many more steps to accomplish it and adds more clutter to the UI.

Man, this would be really nice. I mostly moved away from using boolean or other variables to say when a rule runs, because it seems like pausing a rule is more efficient... it's not running any logic at all.