Dashboard thermostat tile question

Ah, although I just noticed that the thermostats imported through HADB get in off mode when they are idle, rather than staying idle (but still, idle makes the arrows disappear with my custom driver that does not put the thermostat in off mode)

I did a test dashboard with an unmodified thermostat tile and this is what is displayed when idle:

Capture d’écran du 2022-12-09 20-30-29

that tile says it is still in "heat" mode, not in "idle" mode

"21.0c and idle" at the top

I would definitely look at how your driver is reporting its state

This is Generic Component Thermostat from a thermostat that comes from HA, through HADB, while it is not heating.

that is the "operating state", not the mode ?

That's what I was about to mention, I'm pretty sure it's the operating state. My understanding would be the mode vs state allows for the mode to be something like Auto, while the state can be heating or cooling or potentially idle.

I will have a slightly related request I will post shortly for Auto mode to only display one set temperature.

The thermostat should not change its mode when it goes idle. Thermostat mode and thermostatOperatingState are different things

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You are right. That was a misunderstanding that I imported from Home Assistant I guess... somewhere, the operating state of the thermostat is translated to the mode between HA, HADB and HE...

Fixing that makes it work.

Now I just need to figure out how to hide these useless bits of information that show the thermostat mode and heating mode.

.thermostat div.w-full.my-1>div.inline-block {visibility:hidden;}

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Superb! Thanks @ymerj

I even managed to combine two tiles (one for the thermostat controls and the other one for the power usage) by overlaying the two tiles and managing visibility, alignment and z-index:

.thermostat div.w-full.my-1{visibility:hidden;height:0px}
.thermostat {z-index:100}
.power div.tile-primary {text-align:right; position:absolute; bottom:0  }
.power div.tile-primary::before {content:" "  }
.power div.tile-primary::after {content:"W"  }
.power div.tile-title {visibility:hidden}
.power {background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0); opacity:1}

@mboisson, do you mind posting your driver for others to use? I also would just like a dashboard tile for my office dashboard that a virtual thermostat is controlling a space heater. I don't need the thermostat mode and fan mode showing on the dashboard and would clean it up and make it more intuitive for other family members to use.

Sure, it already is public. The driver for my thermostats and the CSS for my dashboard is here GitHub - mboisson/Hubitat-Stelpro-Allia-Thermostat

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Update in case others have the same problem.

My temperature adjustment arrows disappeared from the thermostat dashboard tile. It appears the tile looks for an exact match to the attribute value - "auto" is OK but "Auto" is not!