Dashboard refresh improvement

I don't know exactly what I'm asking for as a solution so I will just explain the issue and see what could be done If anything.

When you go back to a dashboard page that has been open previously but has "lost focus" in between, it will show a green tick in the top right which implies everything is connected and correct. But if any device has changed status in the meantime the dashboard is actually wrong for those devices and needs refreshing.

Could the dashboard not be made to do an automatic refresh when it regains focus? Or should it not refresh correctly every X seconds anyway? A dashboard with a green tick but incorrect states doesn't help with WAF.

This is using Chrome on various Android devices.

Pull-to-refresh would be super nice too.

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I am not sure if this is a browser or HE issue but Right now. I am using super auto refresh extension for chrome on my Android and Windows tablet and it's working pretty good. I also make a dashboard link tile in the same dashboard just for manual refreshing.