Dashboard Multi Sensor tile showing unrounded temperature

Mike, I personally use the Ecobee and Lennox apps to define the schedules. Those apps should be the "system of record" for schedules. However the only reason I have them integrated with SmartThings is so I can set them in Away mode when we leave and then resume schedule when we return. It would be great if Hubitat would allow this type of interaction with the thermostats. Also in the event of a fire to turn off the thermostat. So again the thermostat physically or via software should be responsible for the schedule but integration wise allow HE to set things like off, away mode, and resume schedule.

This isn't a Hubitat limitation, what you speak of in here is dictated by the driver implementation.
There's multiple classes of thermostats in my mind, so lets have a walk through them.
--Dumb thermostat, what you had in your house before you replaced it, no remote control of any sort, may or may not have had self contained scheduling.
--Smart Dumb thermostat, zigbee/zwave/wifi, no inherit scheduling capabilities or UI on the device for schedules.
--Smart thermostat, as above but with local and or cloud based scheduling capabilities.

The class of devices that I have been talking about are the Smart Dumb thermostats, these require setpoint and operating state control via an app of some sort.

The Smart thermostat class, may or may not be scheduled using the manufactures API, schedule UI ect, this should be left to the user to decide in my opinion.
I say this, as running a schedule in the cloud could potentially conflict with automation overrides ect.

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Most ZigBee thermostats could have built-in scheduling as is a standard cluster for thermostats.
In my case the ZigBee TRV has the scheduling cluster included and I would like to program it via HE since I am not using the vendors own hub and app since the are paired with HE.
But Iā€˜m fine with leaving to an App to do that job in which case I will code an App for my eCozy thermostats to accompany the driver I have already ported over.

If you already ported a driver, nothing is preventing you from implementing setSchedule using the thermostat cluster!

Yeah, will do. I just never got around to it on ST. I had just wondered when I saw the setSchedule command show up on the device since I didnā€˜t have that command in the driver. So, I thought maybe HE had something implemented where I could just add the respective JSON in that field.
But, no problem, I will program a setSchedule command when I get around to it.