Dashboard HSM not updating

I've noticed that even on the pc or my tablets when changing the HSM mode via the new dashboard the dashboard does not update unless I force it to refresh. Leaving my wife wondering if the mode set or not. Anyone else seen this?


I see the same thing every night when I set my mode to night... Refresh my tablet, correct mode/HSM status shown.

I assume @patrick already knows about this, as I've seen a handful of other people report it too.

It always helps to provide your current Hubitat version, browser and OS.

In my case:

  1. Chrome on Windows 10
  2. Current version of Hubitat. Has definitely done it ever since Dashboard 2.0 came out for me.

Just updated to latest last night of Hubitat

Using kindle firefox browser (android)
Using W10 firefox browser.

Trying to reproduce this issue but can't.

Please provide steps you are doing to cause the issue you are observing.

Please be as specific as possible. All tests were done using local links and then using cloud links to dashboards. http for the local link and https for the cloud link

My test was add an HSM tile to the dashboard.

Open up a new tab, go into HSM in the Hub UI

Arm to Away.

Observe that dashboard tile now says Armed to Away.

Disarm HSM in the HSM app.

Observe that the dashboard tile now says Disarmed.

This seems to be working.

Test #2

Add HSM tile to dashboard (if not already)

Tap HSM tile to open HSM window. Change current state of HSM to armed to away.

Note the state of HSM now says Armed to Away.

Open a new tab and verify in the Hubitat Web Interface, Apps, HSM, that the state is in fact armed to away.

Switch back to dashboard tab, tap the HSM tile (if not already open) and select disarm.

Note that dashboard says the system is disarmed.

Switch to the HSM app in Web UI and confirm that HSM is in fact, disarmed.

if I am missing a test, please let me know. or if either of the above tests are not working for you. Please provide the specific version number you are running so I can use that for testing.


+1 for me as well.

I have Firefox on iPhone 7+ and use a "save to desktop" link to open the dashboard - so I don't even have a "refresh" button.

This morning my wife disarmed HSM and 20 minutes later I was checking things and it stil showed armed. IOT get it to refresh I had to open a different dashboard then go back to my home dashboard - even closing the app (swipe close) and reopening it did not refresh the display.

Here is an example to for me using local dashboard on w10 pc the alarm is disarmed and this is before a forced refresh

And after I refresh

Odd things is the doors and such update just not HSM

This is using local links or just the dashboard from the main menu

Hubitat Elevation™ Platform Version

Hardware Version

Rev C-5

Still seeing this and wife still complaining she doesn't know if HSM armed :frowning:

Are there any errors in f12 console when the changes occur? If you watch the network tab do you see a bunch of updates calls or anything that might help troubleshoot?

We mostly use kindle fires. I checked windows debug log and didn't see anything errors. I should mention I am using the local links from the app/dashboard/[dashboardname]/ section/ Not actually going to the dashboard from within the interface but using the direct api link.

I just tried on my windows computer again and the first to pushes did not update, but after that they did but then my entire Hub locked up and stopped responding (first time I have seen this)

Ok after restart of hub from locking up my browser and trying again I got it to throw an error and not update. I have emailed the error to support. Let me know if you need anything else. It was too big to post here

Screenshots help. Anything in console (f12) or live logging? What you sent to support isn't the error unfortunately. Need to see screenshots of the actual error and live logging.

Was a cause or fix ever found for this? I still have this issue on latest hub version, fire tablet hd 10 using fully and local dashboard.

My morning routine runs, turns off HSM but the dashboard still says HSM is armed. I can open a door and that tile updates as open but HSM is still out of sync on the same dashboard.

Also having this same issue, wondering if a fix was found?

HSM status not updating. Armed HSM using the HSM monitor. The system arms but no indication on the HSM tile ?

Tried rebot hub. Remove tile and add again. Change text on all modes. No effect. Anybody got a suggestion.

I had this issue when I first started, can't remember how I fixed it. I think it was the type of tile. What are you using? I use "attribute"

Yep, I've got this problem. HSM and Mode tiles don't seem to update without a refresh.

All Hubitat software is latest version (as of now), running on a Fire tablet using Fully Kiosk browser.