Dashboard font size question

Trying to show a weather forecast on a tile using @Cobra's weatherundergroundcustom driver. I get it to display on the tile but the font is way too big. Is there a way to have the information within a tile change dynamically with the tile size? @patrick?


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Possible, yes. Copy fitting isn’t an exact science, fitting all that text in a small box would result in almost unreadable text. I’ll add it to the feature request list. We are working on a weather tile that will use the built in WeatherUnderground attributes to display current weather conditions, This will probably also work.

I’ll note that copy fitting will probably only get applied to the custom tile template “Attribute”, which makes sense. It also should contain the text inside that div… Which browser is that?

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Thanks for the reply. I’m using the latest chrome. Looks the same on Android too using Fully.

I’m using the attribute template already, so that would be great to get in to a 2 x 2 or 2 x 4 box.

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Ok, something must have broke… It was supposed to be contained in the tile at least and get cropped off. Darn text escaping its box… Will look into it and auto sizing the text to fit as well.

So auto fitting copy is potentially a grow and shrink. Any need to grow to fit the box too?

I think grow to fit the box would be a good option. Maybe a tick box, to resize the data to fit the box.

Also, this is the attribute that I'm working with...

