Dashboard feature request - thermostat template

Thermostat tile although it may seem simple, is quite complex in the different use cases of auto, heat, cool, fan mode, multiple setpoints, temperatures, etc. It breaks with the single action model that dashboard was originally set up to serve as.

Regardless, it is on the list and will be added down the road.

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Fair enough. Things always seem easier to do when you don't understand how they work!

To be fair, I would argue that was a very BAD model from the get go, and counter to the direction most dashboards are going... :smile:

Regardless, a thermostat tile will be very welcome (and appreciated!) when it arrives.

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I don't understand the single action comment really. I'm looking at my Sonos dashboard tile with play, pause, skip, rewind, volume controls etc. Is that very different to the requirements of a thermostat tile?

Having implemented a thermostat tile, I can say that it is indeed one of the more complex tiles.

In the case of a music tile, the the forward button is always forward() and the previous button is always previous()... that's not necessarily the case for a thermostat when you press the increase temperature button. :stuck_out_tongue:

At least in the case of SharpTools.io, there's a lot of stuff that happens behind the scenes when you press the increment temperature button to make it feel like an intuitive and smooth experience. For example, just pushing that increase temperature button includes determining what mode you are in and thus if the cooling setpoint or heating setpoint should be changed, debouncing events and determining when the value should actually be changed (allowing you to tap up a few times before the temperature change is sent), temporarily decoupling the 'local' setpoint you changed from the reported setpoint and then recoupling appropriately, etc.


In case anyone is interested in something similar, I dedicated a whole dashboard to thermostat control, with two virtual buttons and two RM rules to handle the increase and decreases. Seems to work fine.


I have no doubt of that!! A lot of parameters and modes to consider after all.

It would maybe make sense to have different tiles for heating and cooling stats. A lot of people (everyone in the UK for example) only need heating anyway, and if it complicates things to combine them I don't imagine people that need both would mind having 2 seperate tiles.

Personally all I want is a single heating thermostat tile (maybe 2 tiles wide) with Actual & Set temperature, up/down temperature buttons and change of colour (icon and/or background) when in heating mode. At the moment it takes me 3 attribute tiles, 2 virtual switches, 3 switch tiles and 6 image tiles to achieve something that looks half reasonable. Maybe an "all singing all dancing" thermostat tile is tricky but I really don't see that a basic heating one like that should be. Josh's Sharptools one is brilliant but I really do prefer a local dashboard.

Since it's been over another month with no activity on this, just wanted to see if this is going to be implemented with Dashboards 2.0.

Yes, thermostat tile is in the upcoming update to dashboard.


Hey @patrick

I just set up a dashboard using the new tile: The neither of the mode options work. IE: You cannot set the fan between "auto/on" nor can you set the "heat/cool/auto" mode of the thermostat itself.

These functions work fine when invoked directly from the Device driver screen of the thermostat, so it's not a communication issue. It only fails when invoking it from the dashboard itself.

EDIT: Forgot to add log entry screenshot:

Need to do some trimmin' on that variable. :smile:

There have been other posts in here that this is a known issue and will be fixed.

Greetings. ex Vera Plus user, New to Hubitat, got my unit yesterday, two thermostats set up, still using heat in NY, Still see this problem with the settings.
Any fixes forthcoming? any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

It is planned to be fixed in 2.0.9

Ok, thanks.

I see that 2.0.9 includes a driver for the CT101 Thermostat. I have the CT100 and assume that I can use the new driver. Do I have to remove my Thermostat from the system and re-add with the new driver?

Just switch drivers in the device details. I'm on my phone at the moment, otherwise, I'd post a screenshot.

Hopefully you can find it about half way down the device details screen.

Found it, thanks, wasn't looking for Radio.