I recently loss the ability to get humidity reports from the CT101. It worked before I recently reset the device and rejoined it to the hub. The device is showing humidity but its not reporting it to the hub. How can I access these command parameter settings to try and resolve this?
I'm not sure if I'm really contributing to the issue you are having, but I've noticed just recently that my humidity is not reporting reliably for either of my CT101 Thermostats.
I have a rule to refresh them every hour that seemed to have kept my dashboard tile fairly up to date, but now that i'm running heat, I've kept a closer eye on it. For example: One of them actually reported the humidity only once today and the other only did after a few manual refreshes. I noticed this in the logging where it would normally display the humidity:
skipped cmd:MultiInstanceCmdEncap(command:49, commandClass:0, instance:2, parameter:[5, 5, 1, 44])
Any ideas?
I changed the driver to a Generic Z wave tstat from the ct101 driver and it started reporting the humidity so its been good since then.
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