I am having a heck of a time with the above combination. What happens when Celsius degrees are the local default, setting the temperature can be tricky. For example, assume the app shows the thermostat is set at 23C. If I click the down button twice to get to 22C, the app, after a second or two, simply reverts back to 23C . The only way to set the app to 22C is to press the down button 3 times to 21,5C. Then, after a second or so, the app changes from 21.5 to 22C. The actual CT100 thermostat however is set to 21.5C.
I decided I would modify a DH I was using on ST and found the same problem was occurring with this DH as well. I tracked down why this was happening and found that the Celsius degrees somehow, somewhere are converted into Fahrenheit (somewhere in zwave land I assumed) and upon "return" the Fahrenheit degrees are converted back to Celsius. This is what I found
22C = 71.6F. This number is rounded up to 72F
72F = 22.22C Perfect, however, it appears that the Generic Zwave DH rounds this number up to 23
This does not occur with all conversions but enough to make it bothersome. I would like to think that what my app says the thermostat is set at and what the actual CT100 thermostat says are the same.
I looked all over for where these conversions occur but cant find the statements that convert C to F. I can find the F to C however.
Is there anything that can be done to avoid either these conversions and/or rounding up te resulting numbers?