Create a driver for Plejd

I’m thinking, since there is a ’hack’ or unofficial driver to get the otherwise closed system Plejd into Homey and Home Assistant. Wouldnt it be possible to port/rewrite any of those to ower to Hubitat? Since I have very little (or non at all) programming skills it’s above my level of knowledge but maybe some one here in the forum want to tackle the challenge…

For all of you non-swedes in the forum: Plejd is a Swedish brand that does dimmers for in wall mounting. They use bluetooth for local acces but with their bridge you get remote acces. Since it’s highly recomended by most electricians it is, would I say, the most common system for private residents.
They have an official integration with Google Home and an integration for Apple Homekit in their road map but that one is severly delayed.

Do you use the Gateway (GWY-01)?

I can't say whether this will have any impact (or that I can in fact develop a driver for this), but some of the other integrations I have seen during a very brief search either connect over Bluetooth or make use of MQTT, i.e. they would need something like a raspberry pi to allow that kind of BLE communication with the individual devices. Typically a "gateway" style device in this type of setup provides a more common method of communicating with the system (similar to those in loading a web page in a browser), and then the gateway communicates with the devices using the protocol Bluetooth.


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I have the Gatewy. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah the way I’ve understand it all other unofficial integrations make use of a back door of some sort. Either unknown to the Plejd company or either they just don’t care.

The Homey integration at least appears to not require a gateway at all and "It uses an unsupported method for communication using bluetooth". This makes me think, at least if you want to go down this route you will need an extra device like a raspberry pi running MQTT, at least from the small amount of reading I have done, as HE does not include bluetooth support built-in.

So it's not impossible, and this would open up other possibilities for other features a raspberry pi can offer, or similar additional server.

The only other option, than I can imagine, would be if the gateway offers some kind of API (documented or not), typically the same one used by their app available on your mobile. Either way, I expect you will need to purchase additional hardware, with something like a raspberry pi or similar, offering more features than a gateway specific to Plejd.

That said, you also need a developer to write the drivers...

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