CR2 Battery Recommendation

I'm on the fence about them truthfully. I recieved my much delayed order of CR2s from them on the same day as @erktrek, and to be fair, they came through. But, the "in stock", but not really thing is very irritating to be honest.

Having said that, I've noticed this same BS with Amazon lately too. "In stock, will ship tomorrow if you order within the next 15, 14, 13 mins" then it suddenly has a shipping date two days hence when it goes in your cart.

Wierd. Disengenuous indeed.



The thing I've been noticing about Amazon is stealth price fluctuations.. I've had products in my cart jump $10 in price all of a sudden. You have to be very careful and pay attention.

This product started life around $43.00 and then when it was in my cart it jumped to $49 with no alert so I put it in the "save for later" holding spot. There it's bounced around in price here is the most recent.



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Curious -- are they marketplace sellers or Amazon...I clearly need to keep a better eye on this. I remember in the early days, Amazon was a bit squirrelly with pricing, but back then it was variability between buyers....


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It's the "ThermaCell store" so maybe the company? Dunno... also price just changed again! :man_facepalming:

I suspect there is some funky pricing algorithm doing this..

edit: just CHANGED AGAIN!!!!! in less than 30 mins..

and again, back to the first price..