I have had perform multiple soft resets in the past month. When reviewing the log files there are no error messages. Only a debugging message from Life360. Can anyone assist?
The debug messages look innocuous. Might consider looking at the Runtime Stats tab to see if you have any devices or apps that have abnormally high usage. Another suspect would be power fluctuations, if possible consider using a UPS or other means of providing continuous clean power. Along those lines if you're not using the power block that came with your hub, make sure that it is compatible and providing enough power.
I cannot help you I'm afraid but in your logs I can see the access_token.
I'm not sure if there is any other info in these logs that people can put together and maybe access your hub.
Like I say, I'm not sure but you might want to just post a screen shot instead of cut & paste and blank out those tokens.
I know Bruce always asks for screenshots not cut & paste as it is easier to read.
Good luck with getting a solution.
Thanks for the follow-up. I am using the power source that came with the hub and it is on a UPS. The Runtime Stats to my novice eye look reasonable. The device using the most recourses is a motion sensor and is at .013% of the total.
Please consider deleting the duplicate topics created for this issue. Keeping the discussion to one topic can help prevent things from getting fragmented, which should help minimize potential confusion.
Looks like there is some sort of file system corruption. Running the endpoint should fix at least some of it by rebuilding user apps/drivers. I'll add logic to handle this without manual intervention in 2.2.9.
When I cut and paste the amended link after inserting my hub IP address Chrome tells me the site isnt secure. When I allow it it seems to do nothing when I refresh. Should I see a confirmation or activity when the browser connects?
Thanks for your help
No, it just flushed existing cached user apps/drivers, and is going to rebuild them from source the next time app/driver is called. Ping me if some issue manifests, otherwise I'll check the hub again in a few hours to see if anything else pops up in the logs.