Corrupt database

Don't do this while the hub is running only after you shut it down from the menu. A 2a will work as well, pretty much if it works with your phone it will work with hubitat.

I had to pull power, I could not get to the maintenance menu. I wasn't going to risk a reset/restore with flakey power anyway and risk bricking it. If you mean on the testing, I did shutdown before pulling power, probably worded that poorly. I normally do use the shutdown if needed and also have NUT running on a Pi and a rule running to shut down on low battery.

Hub started acting up again, blinking red green like a network issue but responding to ping and I could access the maintenance port. Caught it on one last reboot and it showed the corrupt database message again.

I think I'll reach out to support to see what's up after once again doing a soft reset and restore from cloud backup (protect subscription).

@Hubitat_Staff @bobbyD

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We reached out to you, instead :slight_smile: See my private message. We'd like to further investigate.


I had this happen to me today. Corrupt database, soft reset from the message, soft reset from the diagnostic tool. But the hub just wouldn't finish rebooting. I even tried unplugging for 5 minutes then soft resetting. Finally I found the suggestion for a new wall wart and USB cable and that did the trick. I thought I'd revive the thread because there are good suggestions in here they may help someone else down the road. Plus I'm feeling a nice wave of relief.

None of the soft resets actually did anything, because when I finally got back into the UI everything is still there.

Make sure you are updated to the current platform as well. Prior to there was a possibly runaway Z-Wave log issue that would cause corrupt DB errors and eventually if logs not cleared you would get stuck at 15% when rebooting. Platform and higher fixed that issue.

For the record, my issue was 100% power related. As in I found the TP-Link plug I had the HE plugged into was bouncing. Doh!