Converting garage door motor

Without some extensive research, I will say no. Switches or relays require quite a bit of power, so you would be replacing batteries very often if such a device exists.

So why the "no mains power" requirement?

That is very easy. Some have used a smart outlet, and a relay to build a device to trigger the door.

Couple of examples, there are more if you search. Click "show details" below.


ZigBee or Zwave on/off switch for garage door opener - #8 by chipworkz

Garage Door Set Up - #2 by aaiyar

Current Recommend Garage Door Opener/Closer - #9 by iskren.p.petkov

There are many dedicated relays/door openers. For example, the Zooz Zen16, but that is Zwave. I am not aware of any similar Zigbee devices, but might exist.

And double edit here, probably every solution you find for door openers will require mains power.

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