Convert Latitude/Longitude to Geofence for Presence

If you can’t get that to work with your Tesla, you could try Life360 with states. It has a distance from home attribute. I don’t know how often it polls but perhaps it would give you another option if needed.

I wonder whether there is an outdoor camera that you could set up to monitor the driveway and that would trigger a switch upon motion detection? Might work to trigger the garage to open when motion is detected in the driveway, you’re in the car, and the distance to home is within a radius gauaranteed to be met within your update interval. And maybe also specify that the motion has to have been detected within a certain time interval from when the geofence was crossed. That way, if you happen to, say, stop at a neighbors house instead, someone walking by your driveway 10 minutes later wouldn’t open the garage. Just some ideas. Don’t know if it would work in practice.

Yes, this is basically what I'm going to try and do. The Tesla API has a "stream" flag that opens up a WebSocket, and it sounds like Hubitat has the capabilities needed to read data that's fed in that way. I am going to try and figure out how to make those things work together.

Thanks for the suggestions! I had considered a few options like that - but none of them quite fit my situation. We live in the city and the approach to the garage is in an alley (no camera there, and even if we had a camera we'd see tons of other cars all the time).

I did something like this when I was using the Network Presence Sensor. Default was like 10 or 15 minute pings. On one of my devices, I had it pinging every 30 seconds. The change was more or less instant in the presence.

It does take resources as the rule will constantly repeat while running though, so need to take that into account if you do go that route

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