You have at least one referral now. Hopefully we can get you a free lifetime account for your efforts on the Hubitat integration.
I'm pretty pleased with Tessie so far. They had a way to import from Teslamate, meaning I have about 3 years of data in my brand new account that I created today, and when I asked them to link your referral code to my already-created sign-up, they did so, and got back to me in less than 10 minutes!
NPE over a reservation in the account without an actual car
I have a pending delivery of the Cybertruck, but it doesn't have most of the properties the app expects, such as name, VIN, etc, so it fails with java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'vehicle_id' on null object
Those probably should be filtered out (probably by lack of vehicle_id) when populating the vehicle list.
not really a bug.. it cannot work without a vehicle with a vin.. that is required for the apis.
unless you have a car and this is an additional one that needs to be skipped.. then yes that would be a bug and i can look into that.. and skip it.. can you post full logs of trying to add the vehicle.
assuming that is the case ie you have a valid vehicle and a pending one in your account.. interestingly enough the old implementation around for years would have also barfed on this.. weird it was never found.
Anyway, try the new version that should skip over the bad vehicle.
v 1.5 1/16/24 skip over vehicle in account ie on order, without a valid vehicle id or vin
The output makes no sense it cannot get into the line of code looking for vehicle id it already checks if the vehicle id was null before printing out the last_state output
if (descLog) "Found ${} vehicles" { vehicle ->
//lgk change vehicles can appear in acct without a valid vehicle id so skip thise
if ((vehicle != null) && (vehicle.last_state.vehicle_id != null) && ( != null))
if (debug)
log.debug " found the vehicle = $vehicle"
log.debug "last_state = ${vehicle.last_state}"
log.debug "vehicle id= ${vehicle.last_state.vehicle_id}"
log.debug "vehicle name = ${vehicle.last_state.vehicle_state.vehicle_name}"
log.debug "vin = ${}"
def id = vehicle.last_state.vehicle_id
def vname = vehicle.last_state.vehicle_state.vehicle_name
The car without the VIN is now skipped; I see only one car in the selection. Selecting it generates the device, but it is called by the ID (not the name, as it is supposed to be, I think?), and refreshing it logs "No data found for XXXX" (where XXXX is the car ID).
Should we go to the DMs to troubleshoot it further?
Delete app and any children. Reinstall app wirh debug mode and send me a dm with entire logs as it us not creating child with correct vin or maybe you havent enabled commanda in tessie or tesla. Also check that commands work directly from the browser.