Contact swich control of Honeywell T6 Pro thermostat

Hi, I'm fairly new to this. I have a Honeywell T6 Pro thermostat connected to a 7 Hub using Generic Z-Wave Thermostat and want to be able to have 2 contact sensors change the operating mode of the thermostat when activated open/closed. Have set up two rules one for contact sensor open change thermostat to off, second to change thermostat to auto when both contacts become closed, this works except that it can be overridden by the thermostat control on the wall. Would I need to install a virtual thermostat control on the Hub? I am also running a schedule on the hub with the schedule not activated on the thermostat itself. Thanks for any direction on keeping this as simple as possible.
My goal is to:

  1. Have a baseline schedule= (I have scheduler on hub set up)
  2. Be able to override the temp setting for the schedule with the physical thermostat for the current set schedule then to return to the schedule on a programed time temp change.
    3, Have the thermostat turn off when any door contacts are open. Resume schedule when they all close. (no use in running HVAC with all the doors open, people with dementia live here)
  3. FYI the physical thermostat is set to partially lock settings to prevent changes to the setup programing but allow for temp adjustments. (people fooling with it can really mess things up, not on purpose)

The rules I have made;


Thanks in advance, the KISS method is defiantly preferred!

Here is how I would handle the doors open with the AC. This way it's all wrapped up in 1 quick rule. The door left open for 5 minutes will trigger the rule. Once the rule triggers it will check the TStat every 5 minutes while the door remains open and make sure it's off. Should someone turn it back on while the door is still open it will turn it back off again. It will continue to do this until the door closes, once the door closes it will return the AC to cool. In this rule I also added notifications letting me know that a Door was left open and AC Off and again when it was restored.

Thanks for the reply. I tried two versions of your example with the same result, the contacts opening triggered the rule changing the thermostat to off but the when the contacts are closed the program continues in the Repeat mode and doesn't return the thermostat to Auto. I also don't get the "While" in the Que building with Rule machine does that matter? Here are two versions of the rule I built.

Thanks again for the help.

Yes the While in the trigger is whats stopping it from returning. To get the While in the Action select Repeat Actions, then select Repeat While Expression.

Also with the While and repeat the AC won't come on right away. It will resume shortly after the door is closed when it does the next check of the repeat while. If you want it to come on right away I can tweak it get back to you.