Considering moving to Hubitat - Looking for compatibility and recommendations

Yeah I was just done with the “well it’s slow because you’re running this that and the other thing.” The argument is that it’s not sold to support those things. So it just doesn’t fit my needs then. That’s fine, no feelings hurt, I’ve moved on. I keep an ear open in case something amazing happens here. I’m happy I supported it when I did.

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This turns into a dispute. I respect everyone here. All I was asking is for solutions so I can make it work or move on to another platform.
I wanted my ikea certified zigbee motion sensor to work, I also wanted to be able to put my ikea bolb on warm white, it only works on cold white.
And some other things I mentioned in my earlier post.
Thank you..

I find it fascinating that you've come to these conclusions after only joining the forum 19 hours ago having read a grand total of 10 threads.

I'm not disputing anything, only correcting the blame you are putting against the platform for you not buying compatible devices and stating Hubitat should provide a list of devices that REALLY work, at which they have done since the beginning shown here List of Compatible Devices - Hubitat Documentation

Those devices your asking about are not compatible, and it's not the platforms fault.

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If this is the same bulb issue you asked about in another thread, you have received two replies from community members and haven't replied to let them know if anything worked. I strongly suspect you're on the wrong driver (or if not, didn't click Configure if you manually changed it). It may not be officially supported, but I have one working. (The compatibility list is actually not clear: the description says "warm white" bulb, but the driver says "CT," which would go with the "white spectrum" bulb you actually have--and indeed is the one my bulb found on pairing. The white-only bulb would probably work with Generic Zigbee Bulb, but that won't do CT.)

The motion sensor is likely a no-go on Hubitat or most ZHA platforms. It probably does only group broadcasting. If you're able to get it to pair to Hubitat, you could probably do that (the driver won't matter since you can't really use it; this would just be a prerequisite for the rest) and then pair it directly to a bulb that's also paired to Hubitat and make the motion sensor work as a sort of remote, mostly-dumb on/off switch (which is pretty much already how it works on Ikea's platform). It's certainly not on the list of compatible devices.


Hi, thank you.
It is the same bulb. And i tried different drivers, none worked. Didn't find one with the discription ct , but ct (dev). And it's not working. They do turn on, but can't change color, to warm white.

Yes, the sensor did come up as a sensor in HE, but won't work..
So wich sensor would you recommend? Basically Wich sensor and bulbs would you recommend, that are in the same price range of the IKEA, and that works perfectly with the HE?
Thank you for your time!

Well, if you care still. I connected the ol girl, might start using it as an Z-Wave/Zigbee bridge again, and here's the code:

Hi all, this thread seems like the right place to post this question:
TLDR; do I need a separate ZLL bridge/hub for my "kwang-bong" bulbs which otherwise may f up my mesh?

The other day I found a few bulbs which I never got working properly with ST. They somehow forgot how to turn off, thus I eventually shelved them. After migrating to HE, I decided to give them another go. The bulbs are Jiawen A19 RGBW bulbs and on the side it says "Compliance with Zigbee Light Link Zha 1.2".

On HE I managed to get them to pair using Iris V1 Zigbee as an unknown device. I tried changing the driver to all the available built in types relating to zig bulbs, yet no love. The bulbs do not react to any command.

My question to the forum is this, having read other threads ZHA vs. ZLL and about all the troublems with not-entirely-zigbee compliant bulbs which may or may not repeat, would I be any better off if I bought a hue or trådfri and ran them off that exclusively? I got a few Osram Sylvania bulbs sitting around in the same box as the Jiawen's and figured if I can get them running on a separate hub where none of them can mess with my currently quite stable HE Zigbee mesh.

I can see that both Hue bridges and Trådfri gateways can be had relatively cheap on eBay, which is good as I'd like to avoid investing a king's ransom in potentially getting this box of crap bulbs to work - if at all possible. I'd take any recommendations from the esteemed panel.


PS: I won't be triggered, mortally offended, or crying for a safe space if the recommendation is to chug the lot in the garbage, as I'm rapidly falling in love with the SengLed bulbs. So far the test bulbs I bought have been on their best behavior.

So with my personal setup, I have a Hue Bridge connected to all of my Hue Bulbs. This is paired to Hubitat with CoCoHue so I can use the Hue scenes and groups in Hubitat. Doing this, I can have a scene or group that controls several lights (even all of them) at once. Even with 32 bulbs, this works very fast and there is no "popcorn effect" like I've seen when I paired them directly to my old ST Hub. I haven't tried pairing them with Hubitat since I'm pretty happy with this setup.

I also have a couple Sylvania Bulbs that I've paired with Hubitat directly. They work fine, but I'm not sure if adding several more would cause issues with the mesh. I have no experience with Ikea devices.

If you do decide to get a Hue Bridge, avoid getting the 1st gen round one. Philips no longer supports those bridges.

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This for sure isnt going to work, the Iris V1 inclusion mode is specifically for iris V1 devices which do not use the ZLL or ZHA profiles.
Be sure to perform a factory reset of these, then try the standard Zigbee inclusion.
As to whether these will exhibit the routing issues that some other bulbs introduce is an unknown.

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Thanks Mike. I did try regular zigbee inclusion like 7 or 8 times with no luck. The Iris V1 was tried on a whim only. Btw, are there other alternatives to Hue and Trådfri as ZLL bridges go? If that's a no go either, the only thing these bulbs will connect with, is the bottom of the trashcan.

The hue gen 1 bridge will still work with HE and the hue app for the gen 1 bridge is still available for download (at least on Android). I set up a hue gen 1 bridge last month for my cree bulbs and it works very well. Local and fast! I am unable to control the devices outside of my local network with the hue app but, I'm using HE to control everything anyway so nothing lost for me.

I just couldn't see spending more for the gen 2 bridge to get functionality I wouldn't be using. I bought the gen 1 for $9 including shipping off of eBay.

I was unaware that they still work locally. One thing to note though, is that if you want to create multi-room/partial-room light groups, this can't be done natively with the gen 1 bridge. You might still be able to use a 3rd party app such as "all 4 hue" to do this. That is the app I used before that feature was available in the new Hue app.

I honestly didn't look to see what I could actually do in the gen 1 app. I knew it was EOL and only wanted to bridge the cree Bulbs to the hub. If someone wanted to use the hue app for more then just the bridge, they should probably get the gen 2 or 3. If I actually had hue bulbs, I would have probably bought the gen 3 myself.

I only wanted to make note that if your cheap, like me, then the gen 1 bridge will still give you local control with the HE hub.