Consensus on "best" presence sensor?

I have as well, but alas, they don't do temperatures in the 700F range (wood stove).

So you really need a digital (smart) pyrometer.

31850 based 1-wire board talking to a Fibaro smart implant should work. In fact since I have a smart implant sitting around I think I might just buy one and a probe to play around with on the grill.

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And I was wrong, turns out the DS18B20s that the Fibaros are programmed for are 9-12bit precision and the 31850 is 14bit precision, it turns out someone here on the forums already tried it, that's why publishing negative results can be just as useful as publishing blockbusters, keeps folks from wasting time on bad paths =)

My next thought is ESP32-H2, but with that much custom work I'd rather use a rPi ZeroW/Zero2W with a known working setup and just report the data back via WiFi.

I loved the Moes sensor too. I have in the past bought them at a good price close to $20. Recently though I only see them for $28 so price has gone up by close to 40%
So I'm trying out a different model in hopes to find a new best presence sensor.