Connecting HS-WD100+

I'm new to hubitat and just got my elevation yesterday along with a homeseer HS-WD100+. I setup the hub and everything seems to be working fine but I'm not able to discover the device when it searching for z wave devices.
I tried the following

  • rebooted hubitat
  • reseted the stick
  • manually reseted the dimmer

Please any help would be great

I have this switch and just tapped up once for the device to go into pairing. Did you try that?

I have similar difficulty with some of my HS dimmers and switches and HE. I can't discern what the pattern is when the problem occurs, but it's not constant.

I first put the hub in exclusion and tap the paddle a few times for posterity.
Then I airgap the dimmer. Put the hub into inclusion mode and close the gap and tap the paddle a few times.
Usually picks it up nicely after that dance.

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How do I put the hub in inclusion mode. Also do u need another z stick or does the one that came with it all I need for pairing?

Yeah I did

Z stick, as in the HE zwave radio? No, you need no other.
Inclusion = Discovery

Yeah that HE z wave radio.

hey thank you your method worked so perfectly

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3 taps up, 3 taps down, 3 taps up is how you get these switches to do into exclusion/discovery mode.

Does the double tap function work with these switches on hubitat? If so I really want the double tap function to go to full brightness

Yes it does. Triple tap is disabled in default driver

Ok so how do I make it so that when I double tap it it goes to full brightness. If u your able can u please walk me through it

In rule machine, setup a trigger. The capability is button. 1 is top 2 is bottom. Choose doubletap. Choose your device.

Then under the action, set Dimmer to 100. It will then go on to 100% when you doubletap the up.

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Ok I'll try that way when I get home. I tried the ABC app but it has a latency problem plus if I double tap it again it turns off so I'll try your way. Thanks again

Thanks so much I tired it that way worked better then the other way