Confirmation of Performance

Thanks man .... I grew up on machine code, C and a few other fun things..... lol should be fun

You won't have a problem then, once you get your head around the architecture of an 'App'

The basic high level design is:

  1. Collect User Input on the INPUT/OUTPUT 'Devices' necessary for this automation
  2. Subscribe to the correct EVENTS from the INPUT devices
  3. When subscribed EVENTS fire, the appropriate callback routines will be called automatically
  4. Within the callback routine, perform whatever logic is required and update the OUTPUT devices appropriately

Now this is a very high level overview, and the devil is in the details, of course! But it should be fun for you as a programmer. Just realize that you can bring your hub to its knees with poorly written groovy code. Avoid anything that could cause an infinite loop, and use Try/Catch to trap errors.


thanks man

I mean no disrespect but would there be benefit to sharing the Rules you used on the forum here and having ‘others’ comment on the methods you used ??
I can’t code so it’s mute to me. LOL

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Well 2 days using the two stages method ( 2 rules... one to turn on quick and the other to finish up ) and performance is blazing as in ..... crazy fast response to motion .....

Started playing with the code and got a little contact to motion app ( child : parent ) going and it works really really well ....

Next up.. fun coding to replace my lighting Rules ....

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Rules are FREE.

I have a LOT of 'split rules': One for On and one for Off.

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Have now written an app to do all the same ... it’s fast... very fast .... In fairness the learning curve is fairly high but the effort is worth it thus far.... as predicted it appeals to my inner geek

Observation : as you develop in this platform it’s easy to add logic and functionality however the tricky bit is knowing when to stop and make it easy to setup and get going and still functional enough to offer some flexibility...... the for flex the more complicated it is the harder it is to use .....


This is one of the hardest things to work out when developing.
Also, if you release the app, you will find you get lots of ‘feature requests’ for features to be added.

I have a similar example with an app I’m working on now.
I thought to myself that it would be really good to do something and I have just found now that it runs like like a pig!
Really slow!
Shame though, it was a really useful addition and if I can’t recode it then it will have to go :frowning:

Dude ur stuff is brilliant... I’m thinking of keeping it simple as I can .... iPhone simple == many things that can be done just won’t be if I can’t make the rule page into an understandable semi English language paragraph