Conditions deleting themselves

Can anyone help me understand why this happens? It's not often, but seems to happen every week or so. In addition to understanding why it happens, I'd like to figure out how to stop it from happening. :slight_smile:

The highlighted portion should say IF Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, but the condition has apparently deleted itself from the rule. I've had similar happen on rules with motion. The IF remains, but the condition is gone. I haven't opened this particular rule in about a month but noticed the log was skipping the portion that should be active. After looking, I found it deleted.

Was this perhaps a clone of another rule? Or had you edited it? There were issues with each that would explain this.

It was not cloned from another. It has been edited in the past. I added a wait for event further down in the rule, outside of the IF condition. No editing was done in the manage conditions section or in that particular if statement.

I can't speak for the other incidents because I usually just rebuild them or edit the missing statement and move on. That seemed faster than trying to track down what happened in the past. It's happened enough now though that I'd like to understand it so I can stop doing whatever is causing it.

This wouldn't happen on its own, unless you have some database corruption going on. Deleting an action during editing takes with it conditions created for that action (changed in next release to not do this). Using copy/paste or clone messes up some conditional actions. If none of these, then you might want to do a backup/soft-reset/restore sequence to be sure your database is ok.

Thinking through that, I believe I did copy and paste a few actions from the Days of the week condition (mon - fri) into the else which hits on sat and sun. I guess if copy/paste can do that, that could be where it happened. I must have not noticed the days missing after the paste and hit done.

This is all fixed in the next release.