Condition - Rule Truth Reporting True when SHOULD be False

I’ve created two rules to trigger an alert and then stop the alert upon the occurrence of a trigger.

The first rule only triggers upon the private Boolean being true.

The second evaluates the first rule and only triggers when the first rule evaluates as true.

Take a look at the screen shots. The first rule evaluates as false, but the second rule shows the Rule Truth to be true?

Believe me, its me doing something wrong, I just can’t figure out what I am doing incorrect.

I'm pretty sure the problem is that triggered conditions are only evaluated at the time of the trigger.

You would need to create a standalone condition that is constantly evaluated.

Yes... but the trigger happens any time there is motion. There is always motion, so the condition should have changed to False.

I see your point, but I think the problem is that since you are asking the rule to evaluate the truth of a rule condition, that rule actually needs to be a condition not a triggered condition, I use rule truths in many of my rules, but I haven't tried using a rule truth of a triggered condition. Hopefully @bravenel can chime in to clarify this.

I suggest that you change the rule "Stop the Kitchen Door Announcement" from a triggered rule to a rule. Just put trigger event in as a condition, and make the rule be both conditions with AND.

See if that works.


If there is always motion, then there is no trigger. A trigger of motion active is when the motion changes from Inactive to Active. So, if your sensor always reads active, there is no trigger for the rule to respond to.

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