Component Devices vs Child Devices

I have noticed that "child" devices are listed as "component devices" whether they are created with the isComponent=true or not. I have compared my EcoWitt Gateway driver to Dan's Harmony Hub driver, both creating child devices, where Harmony sets the isComponent to false and my EcoWitt driver sets this to true.

I am thinking these devices should be displayed slightly differently in some way in the Device page for the parent device. I'll admit the distinction between these options is nuanced and not something the general user will typically care about, but I feel there would be some benefit to being able to more easily understand the difference without needing to check the driver code.

Main difference I noticed is with isComponent=true you cannot delete the child devices via Remove button when viewing a child/component device. Only way is from the parent app/device via script. In my Twilio and Plivo drivers I originally had isComponent=true and realized I couldn’t manually remove a child notification device and thus I changed this to false.


The other restriction which came up for me was you cannot change the driver of the child device when created using isComponent=true.


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