Community Reply Mode Toggle

Good tip from the folks at Discourse!

Did you know that community has a reply mode toggle? While writing a post, you can tap the reply arrow to toggle between:

  • replying as a new topic or to the overall topic :writing_hand:
  • replying as a personal message or a staff whisper :speech_balloon:
  • replying with or without a topic bump :anchor:



Does Hubitat's implementation support all of those? Are some only for mods? I've never seen any of those options on any post and still don't on this one:


That being said, the "Reply as linked topic" option is great and I wished more people (or at least a certain person or two in the past) used this more often. :smiley:


I was confused, too, until I clicked the short Twitter video link at the end of Bobbyd’s post. You have to click the normal Reply button, then, while typing the reply, click the curved right arrow in the upper left corner, as shown in the video.

Good point, I had to check. Yes the "toggle" options are for mods only.

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Yep, that's what I did (and did in my screenshot), and I've long used some of the options that are available to us normal users. :slight_smile: