Color of tiles

NewBee Here so please take it easy on this 70-year-old brain.

Coming from a strong aviation background. I became aware of certain customs with respect to cockpits. For the reduction of pilot workload, a lot of cockpit switches and systems will have certain color lights or no lights associated depending on their status. For instance, If switch A is ON and working it might be green. If switch B is OFF then it could be green as well. They are both in their normal configuration. The only time it is a different color is when something is wrong. This way if crew scans the cockpit if something is wrong a quick eyeball scan will show all green lights at the blink of an eye for instance. The crew will start looking somewhere else

To that extent in Hubitat, If I have Switch A that is supposed to be ON all the time, I would like for it to be (pick a color) say Green. If I have Switch B that is supposed to be OFF then I want it to be Green as well. Both switches are in the position they should be for normal operation. This way I can quick ly scan my dashboard and see if something is out of whack.

I see no way to do this in Hubitat. Am I just not seeing how to do this or does this capability not exist and all components of the same type have to be the same color.


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Welcome to the Hubitat Community!

Here's how you can change the color, but keep in mind that this will change every tile for that template.

Thanks for your help SmartHomeProvider, I had already suspected that all the tiles of the same kind were likely to be limited in the color differences, which is what prompted my question

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They can be in different positions and share the same color, but not if they share the same attribute.

Take a look at dashboards - you can customize the color settings on each individual tile.

Either manually swap the Default and Active color or check the 'Invert Active State' box to swap the colors. :smiley:

Thanks for the replies. I will give Sharptools a shot

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