Color_map from user input

@mike.maxwell entering a value in a color_map input then using that input in setColor does not seem to set the color.

input "x", "color_map", title: "color map?"

entered [hue:5, saturation:100, level:100] for x.

what am i missing?

thank you.

There is no input type of color map.

ahh … ok. what is this color_map for the generic zigbee rgbw light driver?

I just knew if I didn't check you would prove me wrong....
So what's the value of x when you log it?

someones got to you keep you on your toes :wink:

[app:709] 2018-10-16 18:56:55.948:debug [hue:55, saturation:100, level:100]

i understand what you entered, I'm asking what this produces:
log.debug "input x:${x}"
if its a string (not a map) then log.debug "input hue:${x.hue}" will return null, in which case you can build the string back into a map with something like:
def cMap = stringToMap(x)

that was from the log which shows the same as what i entered. :slight_smile:

will try stringToMap(…)

I use this in my Lifx driver. It returns a map for me...but I do have to convert the "numbers" to integers.

def setColor(value) {
    log("Begin setting groups color to ${value}.", "DEBUG")
    def hue = value.hue.toInteger() * 3.6
    def sat = value.saturation.toInteger() / 100
    def level = value.level.toInteger()
    if(level) setLevel(level)
    sendLIFXCommand([color: "saturation:${sat} hue:${hue}"])
    sendEvent(name: "hue", value: value.hue, displayed: getUseActivityLogDebug())
    sendEvent(name: "saturation", value: value.saturation, displayed: getUseActivityLogDebug())
    sendEvent(name: "color", value: value.hex, displayed: getUseActivityLogDebug())
    sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "on", displayed: getUseActivityLogDebug())
    sendEvent(name: "level", value: "${state.level}", displayed: getUseActivityLogDebug())

he's having an issue capturing a map from a app input of type "color_map"

stringToMap throws an exception … didnt save the log.

so constructed map assuming the input is string but setColor still does not work nor does it throw an error.

funny part is this never matches:

		if (m instanceof Map)		log.debug m;
		def x = [hue:55, saturation:100, level:100]
		log.debug x
		if (m == x)		log.debug "matched"

[app:709] 2018-10-17 11:00:35.367:debug[hue:55, saturation:100, level:100]
[app:709] 2018-10-17 11:00:35.366:debug[hue:55, saturation:100, level:100]

never logs matched

def cMap = evaluate(x)

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evaluate(userInput) seems to return a map from the user input map string which then works for setColor.

still seems funky why building the map from the string would not work.

f'groovy with love … that needs to be read as freaking groovy :wink: