Cmds not fiiring on config?

So I have some code that runs when Config it called

def configure() {
log.debug("configure() called")

sendEvent(name: "numberOfButtons", value: 12, displayed: false)
def commands = []
commands << setPrefs()
commands << zwave.switchMultilevelV1.switchMultilevelGet().format()
commands << zwave.manufacturerSpecificV1.manufacturerSpecificGet().format()
commands << zwave.versionV1.versionGet().format()
  log.debug commands
delayBetween(commands, 500)


Everything logs fine that it is firing and even logs the commands in the hash. Problem is it doesn't seem that delayBetween is every firing off. Is this command not supported in the Config definition?

please post the debug output for commands...

Ok will do that when I get home later. I believe that are valid but will reconfirm

Ive seen this happen when the command list contains another list, ie [cmd,[cmd,cmd], cmd]
You can fix the source of the issue, or return commands.flatten()

Mike thanks it might contain a list in another list that may be the issue. I will look shortly thanks for the pointer! I will update

That was it thanks!

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