I have use the Cloud End Point feature in RM to perform actions such as Unlock a door, open Garage. What I am looking at doing now is have a RM "Action" to send a message containing device info. Specifically, the current value of a temperature probe. The (action) Send Message could appear as such "The %device% temperature is at %value%" Is there a way to tell RM which %device% I am requesting info from?
%device% refers to the last triggering device. So if the temperature probe triggered the rule, you're all set. If not, perhaps you could explain what does trigger the rule.
Its a Cloud End Point trigger that is called from an Apple/Siri shortcut. The idea being I can say "Hey Siri, what is the hot tub temperature". The HE Action would respond using "Send Message"
Use a Custom Attribute (not that it is a custom attribute) into a variable, pulling the temperature from the sensor. Then use %variable-name% in the message you send.
Worked like a charm. Thank you.
I assumed that is what you meant because that is what I ended up with,