Sorry for the late response. I made my own driver. After the driver is in hubitat I created a device with the driver.
Just to let you know, and anyone else that may come across this post, I am not maintining this at all.
When you put in the URLs you want you have to turn on the device. I built it to have two iframs, but can only use one or add more code the the driver.
After device is created and your settings set, go to your dashboard create a tile using that device, under template use Attribute, under options select iframe1 or iframe2.
preferences {
input (
name = "iframe1",
type = "text",
title: "iFrame URL 1",
description: "",
required: "True",
displayDuringSetup: "True"
input (
name: "iframe1width",
type: "Text",
title: "iFrame 1 Width",
requried: "True",
DisplayDuringSetup: "True",
defaultValue: "480"
input (
name: "iframe1height",
title: "iFrame 1 Height",
type: "Text",
requried: "True",
DisplayDuringSetup: "True",
defaultValue: "480"
input (
name = "iframe2",
type = "text",
title: "iFrame URL 2",
description: "",
required: "True",
displayDuringSetup: "True"
input (
name: "iframe2width",
title: "iFrame 2 Width",
type: "Text",
requried: "True",
DisplayDuringSetup: "True",
defaultValue: "480"
input (
name: "iframe2height",
title: "iFrame 2 Height",
type: "Text",
requried: "True",
DisplayDuringSetup: "True",
defaultValue: "480"
metadata {
definition (name: "iFrame Driver", namespace: "ml", author: "mitch3po") {
capability "Switch"
attribute "iframe1", "text"
attribute "iframe2", "text"
def on() {
sendEvent(name: "motion", value: "active")
sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "on")
sendEvent(name: "iframe1", value: "<embed src="${iframe1}" width="${iframe1width}" height="${iframe1height}">")
sendEvent(name: "iframe2", value: "<iframe type="text/html" frameborder="0" width="${iframe2width}" autoplay="true" height="${iframe2height}" src= "${iframe2}" allowfullscreen allowautoplay>")
def off() {
SendEvent(name: "switch", value: "off")
def installed() {