I've just bought a Hubitat and connected a couple of devices. So far so good. My initial interest is in controlling some Zigbee outlets from an Android app. However, I can't find a set of API docs for the cloud REST api.
Is there a way I can generate some kind of access token? And/or how do I discover my hub ID? Is there a swagger page (or other API reference document somewhere)
Install the Maker API app. It will allow you to select the devices you want to expose to the api and also provide with sample url's (including your tokens).
Regarding the Dev. Documentation in general - is there an overview of the app development somewhere - that Documentation link is a reference for the Groovy API - are there some walk-through docs anywhere (I can likely work it out but if there's a quick start dock somewhere that would help).
Unfortunately there isn't much there in terms of Groovy how To's. I learnt most of what I know from reading the smartthings documentation. Their old API was almost identical to hubitat's but they have been moving to a new API so I can't say how relevant those docs would be now. Might be worth a look anyway. docs.smartthings.com
You realize that you can control these from our mobile app running on your Android device, right?
But if you want to do it in some other app you have coded, use Maker API. It will show you the specific endpoints you need with oauth tokens and everything -- just fill in the blanks.
If you need a device id in Hubitat, it shows up in the url when you access the device on the Devices page, like this:
@bravenel Yes, I know about your app. I want to make a dedicated app for my requirements. Is the app closed-source? I'm pretty sure the Maker API will suffice.
An OpenAPI (swagger) spec would be more than useful...