Cloning dead

The new way to clone a rules does not work! No new rules is created. I tried it 4 times!

Works for me.
What are the steps you are taking?

Works for me. I just tried it. However it is a bit odd as you need to hit the 2 clone buttons as they appear one after the other.

You clone the rule.
Change the devices.
Hit the clone rule button above 'done'.
Then done.
I agree it does seem a bit strange but it does work.

I select Clone Rules On the Right and then select the rule and then the "Clone ..." to change any devices, which I am not this time. The problem seem to be if you hit done it exits unlike when creating rules where it saves it. I finally got it to work if I selected the second clone button but you need to not hit done until you hit the clone clone button.

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Yeah, I was copying the actions I programmed for my receiver to use for the TV. I have created virtual remotes that I access via the dashboard to trigger actions on the receiver or TV. The TV is controlled via a Logitech Harmony Hub so I send commands to it. It is often easier to just edit actuators then all the "custom action" "custom action" "actuator" hoop jumping. I had to fix a light that kept improperly coming on and noticed I had not set up the ability to change the TV channels yet even though the tiles were there. So I want to just clone a working rule and change the virtual remote and device actuator.

I was hitting "done", the second clone button was not appearing for some reason.

I have been meaning to put in a feature request to kill that damn done button. I have many times, even though I know not to, clicked the done button. It's a reflex I think. It doesn't make sense to me, if it said cancel that would be okay, but not done. IMO anyway.

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Sometimes the changes you make will not be saved but it should be removed. Other times I get stuck with no way to save the changes but if you exit it now seems to ave them anyway. I had some random "If" statement are the end I could not delete but for some odd reason deleting the device, exiting, the adding it back in made the extra statement disappear. I am often videoing while working so I can document LOTS of bugs in the interface. Mostly it is unreliable. Sometime it works but mostly not. Like editing the dashboard, sometimes it changes but other times not, it is appears random but it is clearly a bug.

The new icon checkbox is very light gray and hard to see, what moron did that!


This new feature is in beta and was a requested in a thread that @bravenel was in, he had a brain wave and was able to implement this. As it's in beta and new I'm sure there are improvements that can be made if issues/ inconsistencies are pointed out. So best to list them for @bravenel to see and look at then he can improve where possible.


Wow. That's helpful.


Quite, don't you feel enlightened.