Clean up your stuff people

All I can think is it does look like the armoury for a Ninja-Nerd.... :rofl: :rofl:


Drill press. Big bit. (Safety glasses, always.)


I used to disassemble them, especially when I had a clients old drive. Now I just take them to a secure destruction facility. Most companies to perform secure shredding services also destroy various types of media.

OMG, the magnets are amazing ! So incredibly strong. I use them screwed to my pegboard workbench, and they hold every tool perfectly, even when I slam the door they're mounted on

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That’s my choice. I put them on a bit of scrap wood and drill a grid of holes through them with a 10mm bit.

I always disassemble and destroy these things. I don't want them any more so I take them apart as if I was doing a repair. If I break anything it doesn't matter since that is the end goal anyway. It gives me a chance to practice and learn. Hopefully it helps me avoid breaking something when I really am trying to fix it.

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Back on subject how much can be a router especially one for 15 . Not much room for storage on those things.
Don't think it is true. Just clickbait.

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Apple airports have storage... They also support time machine


From what im reading not unless you buy the time machine or plug in a usb storage which yes you can do on many routers.

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Current version of Airport router with Time Capsule built in:


It’s a 10+ year old used time capsule. How much do you think Goodwill could possibly sell it for?

My mom still has one, although only for the NAS at this point since it still works. Probably a TB or 2 on it, though I’m not sure since she only has a few hundred GB worth of data to backup.

If you’re unfamiliar with what an Apple Time Capsule is, there’s this:

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I"ve been saving a lot of platters over the years to make wind chimes out of. Here is this years platters and the rest of the drive goes to recycling:


Do they actually sound very nice? Would not have thought of this use. Might even have some WAF for me, as she likes wind chimes...

Speaking of wind chimes, if you ever visit NOLA, don't miss the Singing Oak in City Park. IMHO best to experience in the early AM or late night when the park is mostly empty. In the right conditions it is a beautiful and haunting experience to sit quietly beneath the tree.

The chimes are all tuned to ring out in the pentatonic scale and are painted black to blend in with the plant’s natural shadows. The instruments range in size, with one of them reaching a length of 14 feet. The harmonious effect is that of a relaxing, tinkling symphony.


Oh, that's cool!

I gave my Dad 5 or 6 dozen of them over the years; he would make trolling rigs for huge shark and tuna, with the platters being flasher, ending in a 14/0 to 18/0 hook.

Trust me, no one was ever getting data back off those disks...


Porn.... To wind chimes.... What a journey.... Probably not the journey many would expect when listening to the wind-chime....


Well you know the porn industry leads in everything


And that's exactly what I do, and as a result I was able to help a friend of mine recover all his data. geek squad wanted over 1000.00 USD when the WD drive's controller board fried from a power supply short. I got lucky, had an identical drive, swapped the controller board and pulled off all the data

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When I used to flip laptops, it wasn’t unusual for people to just power it off and hand it to me. Found an old Mac classic in the dumpster behind a computer store about 20 years ago. It powered up and contained someone’s bank spreadsheet and financial information. Also had some nudie photos of his wife/gf. Not enough mental bleach to erase those images. Brrr.
On the other hand, I once bought a complete disassembled HP laptop. The seller was astute enough to destroy the hard drive in the fire pit. But they also threw the CPU in the fire pit because it stored information. They didn’t toss the RAM in.

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There's been so much of this HD platter porn that I'm going to have to disassemble at least one of the drives that I have to get rid of, just to see HD insides again that are not yet crushed beyond recognition. I took a dead drive apart over 20 years ago to show my kids what was inside (fun family project!), but now I'm feeling like it's been too long since I've played doctor. :slight_smile: Thanks for the inspiration...

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watch the magnets, so strong they'll give you an instant blood blister if they pinch you